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Q: What are underground burial corridors called?
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What are roman underground burial places called?

They were called the catacombs. They were the cemeteries of the Romans who converted to Christianity.

Where did early christians hide in rome?

They hid in what is called the 'catacombs', which are underground burial places.

What is an underground gallery for burial called?

Catacombs are underground galleries used for burials.

What is the type of burial that is given to plague victims in the churchyard?

underground burial

An underground tomb or burial place starting with cat?

An underground tomb or burial place beginning with cat is catacomb/s.

What do you call when they bury someone?

Assuming the burial is underground, then it is called an interment, or the body gets interred. The overall "ceremony" or rite is called a funeral.

How did the pyramids look from inside?

The Pyramids have very narrow little corridors and even the grand burial Chambers are tiny to our eyes. The important chambers were filled with belongings and carvings on the walls but for the most part basic carved stone walls and corridors.

Name of the network of underground tunnels beneth the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World?

Utilidors! The name comes from utility + corridors

What is a crypt?

a burial chamber underground, usually in a graveyard or church.

How far under the ground was the pyramid of Giza built?

The pyramid itself is not underground but one of its three burial chambers is underground and carved into the bedrock.

Did the egyptians build underground homes?

No they did not. They had homes on the surface.The underground homes were for the dead in the tomb inside the pyramids for the nobles and simple burial for the commoners.

What are egyptian burial buildings called?

The burial buildings are called pyramids. There are several rooms in a pyramid.