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What are vaccines for influenza made from?
parts or products of a virus
dead, whole viruses
antibodies to the virus
weakened viruses
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Q: What are vaccines for influenza made from parts or products of a virus dead whole viruses antibodies to the virus weakened viruses?
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How vaccines prevent infection?

Vaccines do not prevent infection. Vaccines prepare the immune system to fight infection by allowing the immune system to produce antibodies to a specific invading organism, kill it, and remember it in the future. In vaccines, this organism is often weakened or dead. If the invading organism is found by the immune system in the future following immunization, the immune system remembers it and produces the specific antibodies needed to kill it quickly.

What is a killed virus vaccines?

Cholera Vaccine. Flu vaccines formulated for injection use inert/inactive virus particles ("dead"), while flu vaccines for nasal mist are made as a LAIV (live attenuated influenza vaccine), which means they are "alive" but weakened chemically to prevent them from being able to cause illness.

What type of influenza vaccine should a pregnant woman receive?

Only those that are made from inactive "dead" virus particles and not the LAIV Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccines. That means that you should get injected vaccines for the flu instead of the nasal mists that contain "live" but weakened viruses. See the related question below for the recommendations from gynecologists and obstetricians for flu vaccinations in pregnancy.

Are made using weakened pathogens?


All vaccines are produced from killed or weakened?

All vaccines are produced by weakened or killed germs. That is why when someone gets a flue shot, they sometimes feel like they have a slight case of the flue.

Which vaccine contains weakened?

They are called attenuated vaccines. Attenuated means weakened, they do this usually with chemicals and then the attenuated viruses are not able to make you sick, but they are strong enough to trigger the immune response to provide immunity.An attenuated virus. Attenuated simply means weakened. For example, you will see references to this in regard to the flu vaccines. This is also abbreviated when talking about the flu vaccines as LAIV, Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine.That is a good description of what a vaccine is, although some other substances also could be described similarly. The weakened or killed virus in a vaccine is non-threatening to most people. It can be a problem for infants under six months old, some children and adults with under-developed immune systems or who have immune system disorders.

What is the substance in a vaccine that stimulates the immune system?

Influenza vaccines are made with either a weakened or dead version of the flu virus that you are getting the vaccination to prevent. The annual flu vaccinations in the US contain the three types of flu viruses that are most likely to be causing illness in that particular flu season, as determined by epidemiologists and virologists. The vaccines are called Live Attenuated (which means weakened) vaccines when they have active influenza viruses in them that provide immunity once your body reacts to the presence of the virus. But they are too weakened to actually make you sick. The annual flu vaccines that are administered in a nasal mist are made with LAIV (Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine). Those flu vaccinations that are given with a needle are made with inactivated "dead" virus particles. When your immune system is alerted to the presence of these viruses, it provides an immune response that produces antibodies to prevent that type of virus from being able to make you sick in the future. See the related questions for more details about the ingredients in flu vaccines and other related information.

What do vaccines do to white blood cells?

nothing. vaccines insert a dead or weakened form of the virus or bacteria into your bloostream.

What are Weak pathogens injected into your blood called?

Some vaccines are really just a weakened form of the disease. These are called attenuated vaccines.

How effective is the anthrax vaccine?

Medical studies show that the anthrax vaccine was safe and effective, vaccines use a system of injecting dead or weakened pathogens of the virus it is curing, that way the individual's immune systems B cells learn how to produce antibodies for that disease.

Do they give the live virus flu shot to babies?

No. For the flu vaccines, there are no live injected (flu shot/jab) vaccines. All injected flu vaccines are made with inactivated virus particles. The MedImmune flu mist is the only type that includes LAIV (live attenuated influenza virus). It is sprayed into the nose as an intranasal form of immunization. The mist is weakened (attenuated) significantly so that it will not give an otherwise healthy person the flu. It is only approved for those aged 2 - 49 who are healthy. Babies can be injected with the inactivated vaccines once they are 6 months old. Prior to that, babies are not able to be vaccinated for the flu since they have immature immune systems and must rely on mom's milk for antibodies to protect them or they may have benefited from her antibodies for the flu that were in her blood while they were developing in the womb. Babies under 6 months old are also reliant on those around them to have their flu vaccinations so they do not bring the infection home to the baby.

Are there helpful bacteria in the H1N1 09 vaccine?

No, the vaccines are purified and treated to remove any such contaminants. Any bacteria mixed in with the virus and vaccine medium would not be helpful, the multi-use vials of vaccines contain preservatives to prevent bacterial growth.The H1N1/09 influenza is caused by a virus. Some particles of "dead" H1N1/09 virus (or in some types of the vaccines-weakened live virus), are the active ingredient in the vaccines that make our bodies become immune to that specific virus. Bacteria play no role in this process.