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Q: What are variables in a qualitative study?
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Does qualitative research not control variables?

Qualitative research does control some variables. Mediating variables are the type that researchers can intervene with during a quantitative study.

Why do you use dummy variables?

to quantify the qualitative variables.

Are there independent or dependent variables in qualitative research?

i want to know the role of variables of the qualitative design

What is nominal and ordinal in qualitative variables?

Nominal and ordinal variables are both qualitative or discrete variables. Nominal variables allow for only qualitative classification while an ordinal variable is a nominal variable, but its different states are ordered in a meaningful sequence.

Can we measure qualitative variables?


2 types of variables?

Qualitative and quanitative are two types of variables.

What is the meaning of quantitative variables?

They are variables that can take quantitative - as opposed to qualitative values. For example, the colour of peoples' eyes is a qualitative variable, but their age or shoe size are quantitative variables.

Is cellphone number a qualitative variables?

No, it is quantitative.

What is the meaning of quantitation?

They are variables that can take quantitative - as opposed to qualitative values. For example, the colour of peoples' eyes is a qualitative variable, but their age or shoe size are quantitative variables.

Case study is it a qualitative study?

Case study is not a qualitative study - it is a research strategy which use qualitative and quantative data as well. You select a data sources if it provides good arguments. Knud r.

Is case study qualitative or quantitative?

A case-control study is qualitative. This is because this kind of study is an observational study, meaning that it involves observing how groups differ in their behavior. The word qualitative measures the quality of something rather than the quantity (qualitative), meaning that a qualitative study measures their data through characteristics rather than numbers.

Is a case-control study qualitative or quantitative?

A case-control study is qualitative. This is because this kind of study is an observational study, meaning that it involves observing how groups differ in their behavior. The word qualitative measures the quality of something rather than the quantity (qualitative), meaning that a qualitative study measures their data through characteristics rather than numbers.