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Q: What are very large terrestrial ecosystems that contain a number of smaller but related ecosystems within them?
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What is a land based ecosystem?

A land, or terrestrial, ecosystem is all the living organisms and their physical environment on a particular piece of land. Terrestrial ecosystems may interact and overlap with marine (salt-water) and limnological (fresh-water) ecosystems. A number of terrestrial biomes can be used to classify smaller ecosystem

What is different between gas giants and terrestrial?

Terrestrial planets contain much more of the heavy elements (such as iron and silicon) and less of the lighter elements (such as hydrogen and helium). Terrestrial planets are smaller and denser, and are also closer to the sun, and hence warmer as well. Gas giants are distant and cold.

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What are 3 fact about coyotes?

they are closely related to cayyenes. they were re-introduced into many ecosystems in the east. they are the same as a wolf, except much smaller, weaker, and darker.

Are mars and mercury terrestrial or gas?

terrestrial... there made of rock and considerably smaller than the gas giants jupiter and saturn

Are most ecosystems are made up many smaller escosystems?


How do Jovian and terrestrial planets compare?

Jovian planets are more massive and lower in average density. Terrestrial planets are smaller and higher in average density.

What ecosystems would you expect to have high species richness and low species richness?

|I would expect the smaller ecosystems to have a high species richness and smaller ecosystems to have low species richness because the biodiversity in the smaller ecosystem is actually larger than the larger ecosystem causing many problems in the atmosphere... which over time can cause a extinction towards many living organisms.

What is the general statement that compares the sizes of the terrestrial planets to those of the jovain planets?

terrestrial planets are denser and smaller while thejovial planets are gaseous and much larger.

Are planets more likely to be gas giants or terrestrial planets?

Bigger planets are more likely to be gas giants while smaller ones are more likely to be terrestrial. This of course is not the answer to your question which is, of all planets that may exist, is there a greater likelyhood of there being terrestrial planets or gas giants?

How does the eather compare in size to other planets?

It is the biggest terrestrial planet, but far smaller than the four jovian planets.

The Jovian planets are more massive but less dense than the terrestrial planets?

Yes, the large and more massive outer planets are made mainly from Hydrogen and Helium. They are less dense than the smaller terrestrial planets.