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Q: What are viruses in the blood called?
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Related questions

Which blood cells fight bacteria and viruses?

The white blood cells (also called leukocytes).

Do red blood cells destroy viruses in your body?

No. Only white blood cells destroys pathogens, such as viruses.

Do red blood cells attack viruses that cause an illness?

No. red blood cells carry oxygen. White blood cells attack pathogens such as viruses.

Why are computer viruses appropriately called viruses?

From Virus on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:A virus is a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of organisms.Computer viruses also spread all over your computer in a different manner. They get in your files, just like a real-life virus can get in all of your blood cells.So can you see the relation of why they're called viruses?

Which part of blood is responsible for fighting infections?

White blood cells (WBC) of a type called macrophages are attracted to the site of infection and surround the bacteria, digesting and killing them by using hydrogen peroxide created within the WBC.

Can viruses be detected by a blood test?

yes, they can

What causes viruses to die or be killed?

Your white blood cells, they fight off infections and viruses.

Which blood cell protects viruses from coming into your body?

Whit blood cells. :]

What is the Medical term meaning blood viruses?


What is the immune response to viruses?

white blood cells

What is a cell an example of?

bacteria, viruses, and blood are the best answer for this

What are the viruses called?

They all have their own names, but as a group they are just viruses.