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the vocal folds are your vocal chords as air passes through the glottic opening (a fancy name for the space between the vocal folds) they vibrate hitting into echother creating sound

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Q: What are vocal folds and how do they help make sound?
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What structure contains the vestibular and vocal folds?

the vocal chords are located in the larynx. Another name for the larynx is the voice box, and inside it are the vocal chords. Vocal chords are thin bands of tissue that vibrate when exhaled air rushes past them; this enables you to make sounds when you speak or sing. Dr.henzworth

Can you hear the ultrasound waves that a bat uses for echolocation?

Bats use their vocal tract to make ultrasonic sound the same way we use our vocal tract to make audible sound. They use these for a form of SONAR navigation allowing them to "see" in total darkness. Also many insect eating bats can focus their ultrasonic sound to use it to stun their prey.

Can an elephant Purr like a Cat?

Not exactly like a cat, no. Cats purr by using muscles that vibrate their vocal cords, while elephant vocal cords are so large that they can make a similar noise without being specially vibrated. Elephants can, and do, make a noise similar to cats purring. This sound is called 'tummy rumbling' because it sounds a bit like a tummy rumple. Elephants make this sound to keep in contact and let the rest of the heard know that all is well.

Could plants speak or laugh?

No, because they do not have vocal organs to do so. They are said to make a sound when growing though, and if you record a plant's growth and then speed up the tape, you can supposedly hear the noises on the playback.

What causes the compressions and rarefractions that make up sound waves?

vibrating surfaces. Vocal chords vibrate at a particular frequency to produce a particular tone. Violin stings, car engines, woofers,

Related questions

When vocal cords are close together what pitch sound do they make?

When they are close together, that means that they will produce sound. To change pitch is another mechanism entirely; which involves both stretching and bulking the vocal folds (vocal cords).

How do vocal tubes work?

Your vocal tubes are two thin folds of skin that vibrate and make noise

Can worms talk in worm speech?

Worms lack lungs, a trachea, and vocal folds, so they cannot make any sort of verbal sound. They have no need to speak to one another.

Why giraffes makes no sound?

Giraffes have no vocal cords, hence they do not make any sound.

How does the larynx make sound?

When air from the lungs is passed over the vocal cords inside the larynx, they vibrate. This makes a sound. The vocal cords are tightened or relaxed to change their length. This changes the speed of vibration which alters the pitch. If only the larynx is involved, the sound comes out as a dull 'aaah' in varying pitch. No recognisable words can be formed without the use of the lips, teeth, tongue and palate. This is why people with serious facial injuries or with many teeth missing often have trouble speaking or being understood.

What are your vocal cords and how do they help make sound?

the process of converting the air pressure from the lungs into audible vibrations is called phonation

What are vocal cords and how do they help you make sound?

the process of converting the air pressure from the lungs into audible vibrations is called phonation

Where does your voice come from?

Voice is very complicated, most people think that to talk or sing all the power is coming from your voice box alone. This is not true. When you talk, yell, sing or scream you are using your voice box, your vocal coards,vocal folds, your diaphragm, arms, legs, brain and heart.Your voice box, vocal coards and vocal folds are in your throat. your vocal coards viabrate and make sound, your vocal folds open and close this make the sound start, stop and create an open or closed sound. Your diaphragm is located just under the upside down V at the bottom of your ribs, when you yell or scream this is the nateral place for the breath to come from. This is also where singers want to sing from as you will have more power behind your voice.Your arms and legs give your body power, when people sing they don't stand dead still they move their arms and become loose, this is the same with your legs your bend and extend to reach the notes that you wish to.Your brain needs to comprehend what you are doing.And your heart has a connection to what you are saying or singing.

Which animal does not make any vocal sound?

A fish

How many vocal sound can a cat make?


What do the vocal cords do?

vocal cords create your voice by vibrating, and in so doing, they alter the pressure of the air at audio frequencies. We call this variation in air pressure Sound.

Do female frogs have vocal cords?

they don't sing like male frogs do if that's what you're asking