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Q: What are voluntary motor functions?
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What portion the brain controls muscular coordination?

The frontal lobe controls motor functions and permits voluntary muscle control. The brain stem

Where are the basal ganglia located in vertebrates?

In vertebrates the basal ganglia is located in the base of the forebrain. The basal ganglia is associated with a variety of functions such as voluntary motor control, eye habits and emotional functions.

Where do voluntary motor commands begin?

Voluntary motor commands begin in the motor cortex located on the outer, wrinkled surface of the brain

What does the motor cortex do?

Motor cortex is a region found in the cerebral cortex of the brain. It main function is to plan, control, and execute voluntary motor processes.

Is intestine a voluntary muscles?

It's involuntary, we cannot voluntary control our digestion, or the functions of our organs

What is the function if the cerebrum?

The cerebrum directs the conscious or volitional motor functions of the body. It functions as the center of sensory perception, memory, thoughts and judgement; also functions as the center of voluntary motor activity. It also takes part in language and communication.

The forebrain is involved in complex functions such as?

The forebrain is involved in complex functions such as associative and sensory processing. More specifically, the forebrain is responsible for voluntary and involuntary motor control, language and emotion processing.

Functions of the cerebrum?

it controls voluntary activities.

What is the functional classification for voluntary nerves?

somatic motor

What is the function of the Primary Motor Cortex?

The primary motor cortex controls voluntary movements. Damage to the primary cortex would impact the ability to control voluntary movement.

Two terms for the massive motor tracts serving voluntary movements are?

The two massive motor tracts serving voluntary movements are pyramidal and corticospinal.

What are the two primary functions of the cerebellum?

The cerebellum is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor movement, balance and equilibrium and muscle tone.