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A Buddhist does not carry a lot of the baggage of other religions. There is no god hanging around like a spiritual CCTV tabbing up brownie points and demerits to determine if you will be damned forever or get to go to heaven (there is no Buddhist heaven or hell). There is no taking away of the control of your own life in favour of vast unseen forces with a purpose that is not shared with you.

The Buddhists also have a system of guide posts to follow that indicate how they can make their lives less unsatisfactory. These are the Eightfold Path. They contain simple rules like putting your effort towards good not evil, thinking on good things not bad, thinking about how the world can be bettered and engaging in a meaningful occupation that helps not harms mankind.

Buddhists are encouraged to use the Divine Abodes of :

* Equanimity (Viewing everything that happens as part of a natural flow of events),

* Loving kindness (A first thought of kindness to all),

* Compassion (Feeling others pain)

* Sympathetic Joy (Feeling happiness for others good fortune)

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Buddhists do not beleive in the existence of a god which interacts with humans as does the Christian god. The Buddhists daily actions are dictated by the teachings of the faith, their own efforts to act in a reasonable, humane and compassionate manner. To this end they have the Eightfold Path to lead, but not command, them And the commentaries of the Buddha and other scholars.

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