

What are werewolves associated with?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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15y ago

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Wolves, obviously. I think vampires because they are both half animal and half human. The moon because when it is full moon the legend goes that they come out and generally spooky stuff like that. Silver as it is thought to be one way to kill a werewolf. This however is a modern creation and is not supported in ancient lore.

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There are some good werewolves and some bad ones too. But if you put the answer like this "Werewolves don't exist" then that's not an answer!!!! But it's true that werewolves don't exist.

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No, werewolves are just myths

Are there still werewolves?

No. Werewolves do not exist and never did.

Are there real werewolves living in Canada?

No. There are no werewolves. Anywhere. Excuse me! Werewolves in Canada are referred to as Windego.