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You are only describing a color - NOT a breed. However, the color you are referring to is called 'Spangled'.

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They are called Dalmatians.

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Q: What are white dogs with black spots called?
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Related questions

Are Dalmatian dogs born without spots?

Short answer yes, BUT They are born with normal pink skin, as like all other dogs. As they get older, their fur begins to grow which is the black and white spots as we know.

What color is a puppy dog?

Dogs and puppies come in all different sizes and colours. For example Dalmations are white with black spots. when the puppies are first born they are all white and develope the spots when they are a few weeks old. Lab puppes can be blond Chocolate brown or black. pug puppies and dogs are tan with black faces. Newfoundland dogs are all black. Border collies are usually black and white. you should research dog breeds to see all the different colour, size and temperment options in different dogs.

What color kittens you will get if you breed black male and white will female?

Theoreticly it should be a brown kitten. But more than likley it will be a 50/50 chance of being black or white. Or maybe the kitten(s) will be black with white spots, or white with black spots. You'll have to bredd them and find out. P.S: it is written "COLOUR" not Color, Color is what you put on a dogs neck.

What do beagles usually look like?

these dogs are medium sized and they are white with what looks like a large smudge of black and brown spots.

What do African Hunting Dogs look like?

they have round bat like ears. they are usually a light dirty brown color. they have black spots. They sometimes have some white spots one them.

What causes black spots to appear on golden retriever's tongues?

The black spots on dogs' tongues are just birth marks.

Why do American bulldogs develop black spots on their skin?

I have always heard that American Bulldogs inherited their black spots because of the breeding from Dalmations and certain hunting retrievers such as the English Pointer. Mostly the white dogs are the ones with the spots and as they get older the hair actually grows darker i nthose spots. My AMBD was white as a puppy and as he matued he developed brown freckles where the black spots were on his back. Of course he was covered with black spots but only developed the brown spots on his back. Hope this helps.

Some dogs with spots have spotted skin in relation to where the spotted fur is so why doesn't a dog with black fur have black skin?

Why don't white people with dark hair have black skin?

What breed of dog has big paws with black spots on the pads?

The dog that has big paws with black spots on the pads... (the dogs from guam)

What s the Great Dane dogs that played at the movie the patriot?

The Black and White Great Dane is a "Mantle" and the other is just called a Black, Great Dogs aren't they?

What do people look like as dogs?

they look the same, except they are in black and white. Dogs see in black and white

Do dogs have black and white vision?

dogs in gneral see all black and white color