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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) need few, if any, work accommodations for most jobs. Some things the employer of a Mormon may want to keep in mind are:

Sundays: Mormons believe that Sundays are the Sabbath should be spent worshipping and with family, not working or seeking personal gain. While Mormons understand that certain jobs (such as emergency and medical personnel) require working on Sunday, those working in jobs that are not essential on Sundays (retail, call centers, offices) try to avoid work on the Sabbath. Some companies require employees to work Sundays, and Mormons greatly appreciate when these companies will allow them to take an extended break to attend worship services or schedule their shift to take place before or after church.

Modesty: Mormons believe in dressing modestly. If your company dress code or uniform requires employees to wear revealing clothing, sleeveless shirts or tank tops, short skirts or short shorts, bathing suits, etc, you may want to consider having a more 'covered up' version of the uniform for Mormon and other religious employees. Mormon standards call for clothing to cover the shoulder, cleavage, stomach, back, and thighs. Most companies encourage modesty in the workplace so this is generally not an issue. Most Mormons wouldn't apply to work in a job that would require them to be immodest, although some do work as models and appreciate being chosen to wear less revealing styles.

Food and Drink: Mormons believe in following a code of health called the Word of Wisdom, which prohibits the consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco, and other harmful substances. If your office provides free coffee and tea in the break room, you may want to consider offering Hot Chocolate or apple cider as a consideration to your Mormon employees. If your company party or lunch/dinner meeting will include alcohol, be sure to provide a non-alcoholic option as welll. In the case of grocery store and restaurant employees who will come in contact with these things as a part of their duties, most Mormons do not have an issue with selling or serving these items to customers.

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