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Q: What are workers called who work for food?
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What are farm workers?

People who work on farms (look after livestock or grow food) are called farm workers.

What are workers called who do they're work at home?

Workers and/or employees who work from home are known as telecommuters.

Large farm with many workers who live on the land they work?

A large farm that has many who workers who live on the land that they work is called a ranch. If the workers rent the land they work it could be called a tenant farm.

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Why are migrant workers called migrant workers?

The migrant workers are called migrant workers because they migrate. To migrate means to move. Migrant workers move from farm to farm, hoping to find work.

The worker bees feed a kind of food to the queen larvae called?

The food given to the queen by the workers is a secretion of the workers' hyperpharyngeal glands. It is called 'bee milk' or 'royal jelly'

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People who work in the GIS field are called knowledge workers because a knowledge worker is a person working in one of the information industries and the GIS is an information industry so knowlege workers work there.

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Guest workers have the right to work in a country but have few other rights.

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