

What are your favourite you tubers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Because my favourite YouTube'rs are Thatcherjoe, marcus butler, Connor franta, Caspar lee, Tyler Oakley, Tanya burr, Jim chapman, the diamond minecart, pewdiepie, markiplier, danisnotonfire, amazing Phil, life simmer, and more youtubers that I can't remember but if I do I will right again

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Are carrots tubers?

Carrots are roots, not tubers.

What is a sentence with the word tubers?

I have three types of tubers in my garden.

What is the word for crushed tubers?

"mashed potatoes" are crushed tubers.

What organism reproduce tubers?

dahlias reproduce by using tubers

Is potato root?

A potato produce underground tubers. It is the tubers that are edible.

What is tuberous?

Tubers are various types of modified plant structures that are enlarged to store nutrients. They are used by plants to overwinter and regrow the next year and as a means of asexual reproduction. Two different groups of tubers are: stem tubers, and root tubers

Where should I store my dahlia tubers?

Dahlia tubers can be stored in a heated garage, crawl space or basement. Or you can choose to just buy new tubers each year.

What is a sentence using the word tubers?

The tubers can use another week before we dig them up.

What actors and actresses appeared in Tubers - 2012?

The cast of Tubers - 2012 includes: Marian Harkness

How does a lily pad reproduce?

Lily pads don't reproduce. The plants are tubers, and the tubers multiply.

Examples of plants that grow from tubers?

Begonias, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, dahlias, and cassavas are tubers.