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Q: What are your long-range goals and objectives for the next seven to ten years?
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Briefly describe the four management processes?

The four management processes are:1) Planning- It is the base of the management process. Planning involves setting aims and objectives that are to be achieved by the company in later years.2) Organizing- It involves organizing companies resources in order to implement on the objectives set in the planning stage. 3) Directing- It involves directing the human resource to achieve the companies goals.4) Controlling- It involves establishing performance standards on which the actual job performance of employees is evaluated.

How you would implement goal setting and planning in an international organization?

The best way to implement goal setting in an international business is to look at where the organization is trying to be in five years. Once you look at the long term goals, you can break them down into actionable goals.

Steps involved in supply chain management implementation?

Seven Steps to Implementing a Sustainable Supply Chain1) The first step is culture. Many companies are transfixed on short term results. The first industrial revolution was defective and has transformed us into a disposable society. Unfortunately we have trained our leaders on how to conduct business from a throwaway viewpoint. The assumptions these executives have had is "if it is within the law, we are allowed to do it regardless of the repercussions to the environment." This is the first significant paradigm that must be changed.CEO/Presidents must be sustainability leaders! They have to be relentless about instituting a culture of eliminating waste, using environmentally friendly processes and products and conserving resources as much as possible. This culture starts with the top executive. Their words and actions will play a large role on the implementation of a "sustainability culture" within an organization.Leaders need to realize that today's business actions will impact tomorrow's environment. Progressive companies are appointing high level champions within their companies to signify the importance of sustainability within the organization.2) The second step to instituting sustainability within a corporation is to educate the organization on sustainability. It is imperative to show employees the benefits of sustainability and what it can do for a company and our environment.Many organizations are holding conferences and workshops on sustainability. Several universities including Syracuse University have a certificate program on sustainability. There are countless books on sustainability such as The Ecology of Commerce, by Paul Hawken, Biomimicry, by Janine Benyus, Making Sustainability Work, by Epstein, Green to Gold, by Esty & Winston and Cradle to Cradle, by McDonough and Braungart. The books are powerful advocates for change and they show us how doing the right thing for the environment can help our companies!3) The third step on our journey to sustainability is to complete a sustainability audit of our company's supply chain. We need to develop a baseline measure for where we are today in order to gauge where we need to go.This audit should focus on the following areas: energy use, environmental costs, materials recovery, water usage, transportation, products, hazardous materials used, processes, reverse logistics, packaging and social responsibility. Once the audit is complete we can determine our deficiencies and start focusing on improving these processes within our supply chains.4) The audit results should help the organization with our fourth step, which is determining the goals and objectives for the sustainable supply chain. When developing goals and objectives, companies must make sure their goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) and that they are focused on sustainability. We should have goals on the reduction of energy consumption, the use of renewable resources, recycled material in our products, eliminating waste and reducing a company's carbon footprint. We need to set goals that make sense for our company. Incremental steps towards the goals should be the plan. These goals should be incorporated into the overall objectives of an organization.5) Once we develop the sustainable goals for the organization, the fifth step would be to determine what actions need to take place in order to meet these objectives. A plan must be developed and projects assigned to help meet the sustainable goals of the company. The objective is to achieve a sustainable supply chain but unfortunately it will not happen overnight. This is a long arduous process and one that will take years to change. The actions and projects should facilitate this change and help us reach our goals and objectives.6) Once the projects are in place the next step is to measure the sustainability progress. Measures must be in taken in order to see how effective we are with our projects. These sustainability measures must be posted and discussed at company meetings. Measuring objectives will drive results! Once we reach a measure we need to raise the bar and focus on getting more sustainability within our supply chain processes. If we are falling short of our measures we need to find out what is preventing us from reaching our goals?7) Part of the last step on the journey to sustainability is benchmarking where your company is in regards to sustainability. Even though we have goals, and have projects and measures in place, we need to seek out other companies that are trying to achieve sustainability. What are they doing that we can incorporate in our organizations? How can we replicate and incorporate their successful sustainability initiatives? We need to leverage the learning that is occurring in other companies and incorporate it into our organizations, which in turn will benefit society.The key to becoming sustainable is to develop a culture of sustainability within your organization. Educate your employees, audit your supply chain processes, develop goals and objectives, implement projects to meet your goals, measure your company's progress towards sustainability and benchmark other sustainability initiatives.A company will reach sustainability when they produce no waste, exclusively use renewable resources, employ no hazardous materials in their process and develop products that are recycled or used in another form that benefits the environment and society. The Industrial Revolution is evolving into the Sustainable Revolution!

What are the best strategic management tips?

Strategic management is the process of developing an overall goal for a company. This includes developing plans, mission statements, goals, outcomes and plans to visualize these goals. The best tips are to have a planning meeting to evaluate company goals and needs and progress towards those by setting realistic policies and reevaluating these on a timeline (such as in 1-2 years) to make sure they still fit the companiy's future goal.

Explain the concept of mbo describe its key features and critically analyze the extent of feasibility and unfulness of mbo in the present day business scenario?

Management by objectives (MBO) is a process of defining objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they need to do in the organization.The term "management by objectives" was first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book 'The Practice of Management'.[1]The essence of MBO is participative goal setting, choosing course of actions and decision making. An important part of the MBO is the measurement and the comparison of the employee's actual performance with the standards set. Ideally, when employees themselves have been involved with the goal setting and choosing the course of action to be followed by them, they are more likely to fulfill their responsibilities.According to George S. Odiorne, the system of management by objectives can be described as a process whereby the superior and suborization jointly identify its common goals, define each individual's major areas of responsibility in terms of the results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members.[2]Features and advantagesUnique features and advantages of the MBO processThe principle behind Management by Objectives (MBO) is for employees to have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities expected of them. They can then understand how their activities relate to the achievement of the organization's goal. MBO also places importance on fulfilling the personal goals of each employee. Some of the important features and advantages of MBO are:Motivation - Involving employees in the whole process of goal setting and increasing employee empowerment. This increases employee job satisfaction and commitment.Better communication and Coordination - Frequent reviews and interactions between superiors and subordinates helps to maintain harmonious relationships within the organization and also to solve many problems.Clarity of goalsSubordinates tend to have a higher commitment to objectives they set for themselves than those imposed on them by another person.Managers can ensure that objectives of the subordinates are linked to the organization's objectives. Domains and levelsObjectives can be set in all domains of activities (production, marketing, services, sales, R&D, human resources, finance, information systems etc.). Some objectives are collective, for a whole department or the whole company, others can be individualized.PracticeObjectives need quantifying and monitoring. Reliable management information systems are needed to establish relevant objectives and monitor their "reach ratio" in an objective way. Pay incentives (bonuses) are often linked to results in reaching the objectives. LimitationsThere are several limitations to the assumptive base underlying the impact of managing by objectives, including: 1. It over-emphasizes the setting of goals over the working of a plan as a driver of outcomes.2. It underemphasizes the importance of the environment or context in which the goals are set. That context includes everything from the availability and quality of resources, to relative buy-in by leadership and stake-holders. As an example of the influence of management buy-in as a contextual influencer, in a 1991 comprehensive review of thirty years of research on the impact of Management by Objectives, Robert Rodgers and John Hunter concluded that companies whose CEOs demonstrated high commitment to MBO showed, on average, a 56% gain in productivity. Companies with CEOs who showed low commitment only saw a 6% gain in productivity.3. Companies evaluated their employees by comparing them with the "ideal" employee. Trait appraisal only looks at what employees should be, not at what they should do.When this approach is not properly set, agreed and managed by organizations, self-centered employees might be prone to distort results, falsely representing achievement of targets that were set in a short-term, narrow fashion. In this case, managing by objectives would be counterproductive.The use of MBO must be carefully aligned with the culture of the organization. While MBO is not as fashionable as it was before, it still has its place in management today. The key difference is that rather than 'set' objectives from a cascade process, objectives are discussed and agreed upon. Employees are often involved in this process, which can be advantageous.A saying around MBO - "What gets measured gets done", 'Why measure performance? Different purposes require different measures' - is perhaps the most famous aphorism of performance measurement; therefore, to avoid potential problems SMART and SMARTER objectives need to be agreed upon in the true sense rather than set.Arguments againstMBO has its detractors, notably among them W. Edwards Deming, who argued that a lack of understanding of systems commonly results in the misapplication of objectives.[3] Additionally, Deming stated that setting production targets will encourage resources to meet those targets through whatever means necessary, which usually results in poor quality.[4] Point 7 of Deming's key principles encourages managers to abandon objectives in favour of leadership because he felt that a leader with an understanding of systems was more likely to guide workers to an appropriate solution than the incentive of an objective. Deming also pointed out that Drucker warned managers that a systemic view was required [5] and felt that Drucker's warning went largely unheeded by the practitioners of MBO.

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