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the zone of saturation

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Q: What area is below a water table?
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What is the area called that is immediately below a water table?

a mud table

What is the difference between a water table and a watershed?

A watershed is an area land from which water ultimately drains into a major river, which then dumps into the ocean or sea. A water table is the level below which the ground is saturated with water.

What is below the water table?

the auqifer

Where can people obtain groundwater by drilling a well A below the water table B above the water table C beside a water table?

above the water table

Why does the level of a water table change from time to time?

The amount of rain in the area determins how full the water table is. It also depends on how many people are using the aquifier and how much foliage the aquifier supplies. These are a couple things that determine how fast the table lowers, but area rainfall determines how fast the table recovers.

Any water drawn from below the water table is?

ground water

What force pushes groundwater from pore to pore below the water table?

Pressure gradient or hydraulic gradient is the force that pushes groundwater from pore to pore below the water table. A boundary between saturated rock below and unsaturated rock above is the water table.

Any water drawn from below the water table is referred to as?

Ground water.

Why do wells have to be built below the water table?

If the bottom of a well is above the water table, the well would be dry.

Is Groundwater often obtained by drilling a well to reach below the water table?

above the water table

Weight of water?

See the table at link below.

Is the water table constant?

The "water table" refers to the level of the groundwater (sometimes also called the "ground water table") below the surface of the earth.The level varies according to local topography and environmental conditions. In some cases the water table can be a few centimeters below the surface of the land or it can be hundreds of meters below the surface.Water table is important for a number of reasons; large trees and plants are normally "tapped into" it, and get their water from this source if they are not being irrigated. Wells and well points also tap into the water table so that animals and humans can make use of it.Major concerns about the water table include: pollution of the ground water, salinity and over exploitation.The water table is the area below ground where unsaturated soil ends and saturated soil begins.