

What area would the Jewish sleep during the Holocaust?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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concentration camps or death camps

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Q: What area would the Jewish sleep during the Holocaust?
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How did they do roll call during Holocaust?

during the holocaust the Jewish had numbers tattoed on them when they were in the concentration camp these numbers represented who they are this was how they would take roll by looking at the numbers

What would happen to half Jewish people during the Holocaust?

From January 1944 on they were sent to camps.

Why did Jewish people write journals during the Holocaust?

so that people would be able to know what happened.

Who was affected during World War 2 and the Holocaust?

during world war 2 most major countries were effected. during the holocaust people of Jewish heritage were affected. also prisoners of war were taken and given similar treatment to those of whom were Jewish or of Jewish heritage.

Are holocaust survivors Jews?

Yes, to be a Holocaust survivor one must have been a victim of the Holocaust, therefore by deffinition one would have to be Jewish.

How did they prosicute Jews during the holocaust?

It would only be those Germans who did not consider themselves as Jewish who would be prosecuted, they would have to prove that they were not Jewish, but lived as gentiles. Jews were generally not prosecuted as they were not given the luxury of a trial

Where did the camp prisoners sleep during the holocaust days?

Under houses, anywhere where the Natzi soldiers, germans, or Adolff Hitler would have looked. I am positive!

Why were the Jewish people forced to leave there home during the holocaust?

The British White Paper of 1939, effectively banning all Jewish migration to the Mandate of Palestine, was still in effect after the Holocaust. It was not until the State of Israel was established that ships bringing Holocaust survivors to the area were legally permitted. However, during the Jewish-Arab Engagement of 1947-1949, the Israeli government lost control of the Old City and Jordan forcibly evicted all of the Jewish residents of the Old City. It would not be until 1967 and the Israeli reunification of the city that Holocaust survivors would be able to go to the Old City of Jerusalem.

Why were criminals killed in the holocaust?

Criminals would have been killed because of their crimes, but this would have been part of the justice system, not part of the Holocaust, people were only killed for being Jewish in the Holocaust.

Why would a Jewish person give up their faith after the Holocaust?

It is really hard to believe in a loving God after something as horrible as the Holocaust.

Why did nazi get involved with Jewish holocaust?

they were more than involved, without them it would not have existed.

How were Jewish ghettos formed in the holocaust?

generally they were told to go to a non-Jewish (so that there would be no Synagogues) section of the city and wall themselves in.