

What areas did the British surrender after World War 2?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What areas did the British surrender after World War 2?
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In world war 2 who did the Japanese surrender to?

The allies: mainly the united states of america, the british empire and the soviet unoin

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The United States, The British Empire, The Soviet Union, Canada, Other British Commonwealth nations, and France.

What battle led to the surrender of the British?

The siege of Yorktown led the British forces to surrender to the american and french forces in the american revolutionary war.

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It didn't surrender.

Why were British cities bombed in World War II?

The Germans bombed British cities in WWI with blimps. They did the same thing in WWII with airplanes. The German thought if they bombed England, the British would surrender. The British did not surrender and bombed Germany (along with USA bomber planes) in retaliation.

When did the British surrender world war 2?

Never, the British resistance during the Battle of England and the Blitz in 1940 was the first notable allies' victory towards axis.

Where did the british surrender the Revolutionary War?

Yorktown, it was the last battle of the Revolutionary war.

Who did the British surrender to in the American Revolution?

The British did not surrender. They merely withdrew because the war was not cost-effective. They had other priorities with colonies such as India who were giving them problems.

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because the stars told them that France would surrender in world war 2

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How did World War 2 end for japan?

The Japanese Instrument of Surrender was the written agreement that enabled the Surrender of Japan, ending World War II.