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Any areas visible by a satelite , that means the earth surface and oceans in their entirety , with the exception on some military areas. Germany houses and private areas are pixilated due to their privacy laws

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Q: What areas of our planet do the images of Google Earth show?
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What if some images are 10 years old on Google Earth?

Then either they are AT LEAST ten years out of date or if they are images of a remote, unhabited areas, they may yet be current. What if you ask the questions of a ten year old?

When was Google Earth updated in Portugal?

The images in Google Earth (and Google Maps) are updated on a continuous basis. It's hard to say exactly when an area will be updated because some areas may be updated more frequently than others. Google provides KML feeds showing what areas have been updated in a given update. Google also provides a notification service you can signup to alert you when a given area is updated. For details see the related question.

What is googl earth?

Google Earth allows you to explore planet Earth like never before, letting you see the world's geography including land masses and formations, countries and cities and so much more.Google Earth is a software product provided by Google that allows a person to explore every corner of planet earth as well as under the ocean. It also can explore the Moon and Mars.Google Earth is available as a desktop software application in a free version and Pro/Enterprise versions for Professional/Business users with an annual subscription. There was also a web browser plug-in version of Google Earth that can be customized using a JavaScript-based Google Earth API., but that has been deprecated and no longer supported by Google.You can download Google Earth or Google Earth Pro at Google Earth Pro as of 2015 is now available for free. License no longer required.

What is the cause of high and low pressure areas?

the orbit of the moon around planet earth

What are all the areas of the planet that will support life?

All areas of the planet that will support life are designated as habitable areas. These areas include the oceans, the land areas, and even the tundra.

How does Google Earth collect the satellite images?

Google has people ride around in either cars or on bikes. These vehicles have a 360 degree camera attached to the top that take the pictures for the street view interface. Once processed by Google the images are made available to both Google Earth and Google Maps simultaneously.

Does Google Earth require web connection?

To fetch new imagery you need a persistent internet connection. Google Earth uses a disk cache that allows you to navigate offline in the areas you already visited.When you go offline you can still navigate in Google Earth zoom in/out, but flying to new areas will only show a low-res base map data.

Is Google one of the leaders when it comes to search engine marketing?

Yes it is. It is one of the top companies available on the internet, and provides its own email service, a video uploading and editing service, satellite images of the earth and geographical areas of earth and space, as well as a social network. All of these sites can be useful with marketing.

What are the functional areas of Google?

the functional areas of google are

Are there any spots on Earth not covered by Googlemap?

Google Maps does not cover the area around the north and south pole. This is due to the use of standard map projection. Google Earth is used to cover these areas.

How many pixels are viewable in Google Earth?

Most land areas in Google Earth are covered in satellite imagery with a resolution of about 15 meters per pixel and highest resolution is about 1 inch per pixel.

Does it take longer to update Google Maps-Earth in remote areas - you built a cabin in the woods about 3 years ago and the maps there have not changed?

On average the imagery in Google Maps and Google Earth is approximately one to three years old so this is not uncommon. However, the more populous areas and major cities tend to be updated more often.