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Q: What areas of the body can the pH be altered?
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Why is it important to have a particular PH in particular region in the gut?

If a PH level is altered in the human body by a little bit, the enzymes for digestion will break down into their composite elements and compounds

What does pH balance measure?

The balance of pH, different areas of the body or water etc. require specific pHs. The pH scale measures acidity. pH 1-6 are acid, pH 7 is neutral and pH 8-14 are alkali.

Does hyperventilation lower body pH?

Hyperventilation raises body pH. Hypoventilation lowers body pH.

How do to manage cancer?

Cancer can be managed with an alkaline pH internal environment in the body. This is done through monitoring the body's blood, saliva, and urine with pH test strips to make sure they are all alkaline. Then dietary and lifestyle needs to be altered to a more alkaline state in order to maintain that pH, because cancer cannot survive in a basic/alkaline environment.

How to manage Cancer?

Cancer can be managed with an alkaline pH internal environment in the body. This is done through monitoring the body's blood, saliva, and urine with pH test strips to make sure they are all alkaline. Then dietary and lifestyle needs to be altered to a more alkaline state in order to maintain that pH, because cancer cannot survive in a basic/alkaline environment.

Why is it important to maintain a stable pH level in your body at all times?

Because if you don't maintain a constant pH you will become ill. Alcoholic intoxication is a classic point. The Alcohol(Ethanol/Ethyl Alcohol) alter the bodies pH . With excess alcohol the pH is altered to a greater extent, so you will feel ill (hangover).

How can one remedy the effect of pH CHANGE due to sterilization?

The effect of pH change due to sterilization is that it cold altered the media

What are five different areas of the human body and give the pH level and the enzymes that rely on that pH I need to do a project for school I have the mouth and stomach already?

Suggest you do vagina, bladder, and CSF.

What is the body PH of a healthy person versus a person with cancer?

There is no "body pH." Different fluids of the body have different pH.

How important is neutral pH in your body?

Not all parts of the body are neutral: the cells lining the stomach produce HCl acid that is very acidic, and contrastingly the small intestine contains bile fluids that are alkaline in nature. But, maintaining a specific pH is very important to the structure of proteins in the body and so blood pH must remain between 7.35-7.45 otherwise many blood proteins such as haemoglobin will not correctly function. This is because the affinity of the substrate for the active site is altered at any pH.

Body pH and health?

i have asked the question , pH and body do i get the ahswer?

WHAT IS THE pH of body tissue?

Different parts of the body have different pH, what parts are you looking for?