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Three things that religious people have in common are a belief in a higher power or deity, adherence to certain values or moral principles, and participation in rituals or practices that express their faith.

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Q: What aree three things that religious people have in common?
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What are three non-religious holidays?

Three non-religious holidays are Independence Day, Valentine's Day, and Thanksgiving. These holidays are not tied to any specific religious beliefs and are celebrated by people of diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Which three colonies were settled for religious reasons?

The three colonies settled for religious reasons are Massachusetts (Pilgrims and Puritans seeking religious freedom), Pennsylvania (Quakers seeking religious tolerance), and Maryland (Catholics seeking refuge from persecution).

What are the three forms of religious expression outlined by Joachim Wach?

The three forms of religious expression outlined by Joachim Wach are myth, doctrine, and cultic practice. Myth refers to the stories and narratives that convey religious truths, doctrine involves the systematic beliefs and teachings of a religion, and cultic practice focuses on the rituals and worship activities within a religious tradition.

What are the three religious holy books?

The three religious holy books are the Bible (Christianity), the Quran (Islam), and the Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism). Each of these texts is considered sacred and serves as a central source of guidance and teachings for its respective faith.

What are the religious differences between the three major groups in Bosnia?

The three major religious groups in Bosnia are Bosniaks (Muslims), Serbs (Orthodox Christians), and Croats (Catholics). Bosniaks adhere to Islam, Serbs are Orthodox Christian, and Croats are predominantly Catholic. These religious differences have historical and cultural significance in addition to shaping individual identities and communal relations in Bosnia.

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Poverty, chastity, and obedience.

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People migrate for better job opportunities, to escape persecution or conflict in their home country, and to reunite with family members who have already migrated.

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== == Tortured, starved and murdered by the millions.Persicuted groups were relocated. Minorities; artists, intellectuals, sexual orientation, religious persecution solution was removal from society.

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upbringing, political views, and religious views

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