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The Inca civilization left behind various artifacts, including pottery, jewelry, textiles, farming tools, and structures like Machu Picchu and Sacsayhuamán. These artifacts provide insight into their advanced engineering, agricultural techniques, and artistic skills. The Inca also used quipus, a system of knotted strings, for record-keeping and communication.

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Q: What artifacts did Inca leave behind?
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What kind of artifacts did the incas leave behind?

The Incas left behind a variety of artifacts, including pottery, textiles, metalwork like gold and silver objects, and architectural structures such as Machu Picchu. These artifacts provide valuable insights into Inca culture, religion, and daily life.

What artifacts did the Trojans leave behind in Troy?

Some of the artifacts left behind by the Trojans in Troy include pottery, weapons, and jewelry. These items give archaeologists insights into the culture, daily life, and warfare of the ancient Trojans. Additionally, the walls and structures of the ancient city also serve as important artifacts revealing the architectural techniques and defensive strategies of the Trojans.

What is the name of a person that digs up artifacts that people left behind?

An archaeologist is a person who digs up artifacts left behind by people in the past.

What evidence did paleolithic people leave behind to suggest that they believed in spirtual world?

Paleolithic people left behind evidence such as cave paintings, burial sites with grave goods, and symbolic artifacts like amulets, which suggest a belief in a spiritual or supernatural world. These artifacts indicate rituals, symbolism, and practices that reflect a belief in an afterlife or spiritual realm.

What artifacts did Cleopatra leave behind?

Cleopatra left behind various artifacts, including statues depicting her as a ruler, coins with her image, and inscriptions on temples and monuments. These artifacts provide valuable insights into her reign and the culture of ancient Egypt during her time.

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What kind of artifacts did the incas leave behind?

The Incas left behind a variety of artifacts, including pottery, textiles, metalwork like gold and silver objects, and architectural structures such as Machu Picchu. These artifacts provide valuable insights into Inca culture, religion, and daily life.

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What kind of artifacts did the Aztec leave behind?

The Aztec left behind artifacts such as ceremonial objects like sculptures, masks, and pottery, as well as items used in everyday life like tools and utensils. They also left behind intricate, colorful codices (manuscripts) that provide insights into their history, culture, and beliefs. Additionally, architectural remains such as temples and pyramids give us a glimpse into their advanced building techniques.

What artifacts did the Trojans leave behind in Troy?

Some of the artifacts left behind by the Trojans in Troy include pottery, weapons, and jewelry. These items give archaeologists insights into the culture, daily life, and warfare of the ancient Trojans. Additionally, the walls and structures of the ancient city also serve as important artifacts revealing the architectural techniques and defensive strategies of the Trojans.

What kind of artifacts did the Ubaid people leave behind?

bunny rabits, pornagraphic videos, a tree,and there god kingu who banished them that bastered

How are the Aztec and Inca similar?

Both the Aztec and the Inca were defeated by Spanish conquistadors. Both the Aztec and the Inca were New World empires. Both the Aztec and Inca had calendars of their own. Both had gold artifacts that the Spanish wanted.

What did Spain take from Peru?

From the INCA Indians the Spanish stole GOLD, SILVER, JULELS and ARTIFACTS.

What did the Mochica people leave behind?

The Mochica left many artifacts behind. Including art, ceramic vessels, woven textiles, murals, and amazing objects of copper, silver, and gold. They may have also left behind ruins.