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Government, Economies, Laws.

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government, economies, laws.

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Q: What aspects of daily life might people to the same culture region share?
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What aspects of daily life might people in the same culture region share?

They might be able to share clothing, meals, religious traditions, stories, a language, and maybe even a community goal.

The physical or technological aspects of your daily lives are called?

material culture

What is acculturation?

Acculturation is the process through which individuals or groups adopt the cultural norms, values, and behaviors of a different culture. It involves adapting to new cultural practices while also maintaining aspects of one's own culture.'acculturation.

How do you write an introduction about an culture area?

You need to include:Basic information (e.g. names, population)LocationSOME aspects of daily lifeBrief info about colonisation

What are the important aspects of Arab culture?

Some important aspects of Arab culture include hospitality, family values, and respect for tradition. Arab culture places a strong emphasis on community, honor, and religious beliefs, which influence daily life and social interactions. Arts such as calligraphy, music, and dance also play a significant role in Arab cultural expression.

How did the polytheism system influence the culture it was practiced in?

The polytheism system influenced the culture it was practiced in by shaping the religious beliefs and practices of the society. It provided a framework for understanding the world, with multiple gods and goddesses governing various aspects of life. Polytheism also influenced the social, political, and artistic aspects of culture, as religious festivals, rituals, and myths played an important role in the daily life and identity of the people.

What are some things that affect culture?

The culture of a people is a collectively held set of behaviors governing aspects of daily life which have been developed, refined and preserved across generations to help them adapt to their environment. Environmental factors such as climate, exposure and interactions with other cultures, available resources, ease of living, and the age of the culture (older cultures are generally more developed,) all influence the cultural beliefs of a people. Does this answer your question?

What are the songs of the Abra province here at the Philippines?

Some traditional songs from Abra province in the Philippines include "Dungdungwen Kanto," "Kurakog," and "Pitik." These songs often reflect the culture, history, and daily life of the people in the region.

Where can one find information about what culture is?

Wikipedia offers a great definition of culture in detail. Culture is essentially the way the people in a given area live, believe, and function in their daily lives.

How did the renaissance affect western Europe?

The rennisance changed all aspects of europen daily life. People focused on Humanism and achievements and making their lives and cities beautiful.

What did L.C. Bailey discover?

L.C. Bailey discovered the Bailey House, an important archaeological site in the American Southwest associated with the Anasazi culture. The site revealed valuable insights into the daily life, architecture, and social organization of the Ancestral Pueblo people who inhabited the region.

TWO types of music that have emerged as aspects of the culture of the culture of the people in the Caribbean?

The culture of the Caribbean reflects a variety of different influences due to these historical events: colonization by European powers, slavery of the Africans and indenture ship of the east Indians and Chinese. These people brought with them their different cultural practices which is reflected in contemporary Caribbean culture.