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Q: What aspects of the national government exemplify the framers' plan to have representatives focused on national rather than personal interests?
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What system of government guarantees each state representation at the national level?

This is the legislative. Each state will send representatives to help determine laws and ensure their interests are heard.

A system of government which guarantees each state representation at the national level?

A republic system of government guarantees each state representation at the national level. In a republic the government is ruled by elected leaders.

The term national republic means what?

a system of government in which people elect representatives to govern.

What branch of government grants citizenship?

the legislative branch can

What type of government does Reunion Africa have?

It does not have its own government. It sends representatives to the French National Assembly and it is governed from France, which is a democracy.

Is the senate and house of representatives covered under the national or federal government?

National and Federal mean the same thing. So both.

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Israel's national government is a parliamentary democracy, with representatives selected by general election.

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tarrifs are taxes on IMPORTED goods. He agrees with the national government passing high tarrifs because he has strong business interests

Why did William Few want state legislatures to elect representatives to the national legislature?

William Few believed that having state legislatures elect representatives to the national legislature would help maintain a balance of power between the states and the federal government. He believed that state legislatures were more likely to choose representatives who would prioritize the interests of their respective states, rather than being influenced by national political parties or other external factors.

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Jose Rizal is the National Hero of the Philippines. His family's culture exemplify "Religiosity". Religiosity is a tradition in the Philippines where in they obey the doctrines of "Catholicism".

What fraternity was established to help protect and promote the interests of farmers in both the state and national government?

the were called the templars

The Antifederalists thought that state-centered government would do a better job than the national government in terms of?

protecting and preserving the diversity of interests among the people.