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I don't remember but it used to be in air conditioners, spray, refrigerator but i don't remember its name

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Q: What atmospheric gas whose rise most scientists blame for global warming?
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Is global warming no good?

Global warming is no good, correct. We have to stop it or our children and grandchildren will blame us for doing nothing.

Is anybody to blame for this situation of global warming?

The human race is to blame, though we didn't know what we were doing! Respected climate scientists say that the world is warmer than it has been for at least eight thousand years and probably for at least a million years. Average global temperatures have been rising faster than at any known time in the past. Clearly there is a problem, but this does not mean we should blame anyone for the problem occurring. From the time of the Industrial Revolution until at least the 1970s, scientists had too little information to prove that global warming is real, and no one could really be blamed for causing global warming if they did not know that anthropogenic global warming was happening. Blame should only be attributed if, now that we have evidence of global warming, we fail to do anything about it. Fortunately, governments around the world, and concerned citizens, are now beginning to take action to minimise further long-term temperature rises.

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i blame global warming

What has been done to minimize global warming?

No one is to blame, yet if the Answer to the Above is Nothing, then The answer to "What has been done to Maximize Global Warming?" is Everything - nonStop!

Why do some people blame the increasing number of hurricanes on global warming?

This is due to the fact that, as the ocean is warmed up slowly from global warming, the probabilty of hurricanes increase.

Why does shrimp no longer taste shrimpy?

Blame global warming, enviormental changes, production/packaging changes.

What caused global warming before humans were around to take the blame?

Global warming is natural. This is characterized by the increase of temperature on a certain planet. Basically, it is the sun which heats up this planet. The heat is screened through greenhouse gases whenever they get out.

How can global warming cause colder winters?

Global Warming may or may not cause colder winters. Global warming refers to a climate change whereas colder winters are yearly weather patterns. On average the Climate and the World is warming up. It is a fact that the average temperatures are hotter than twenty or even ten years ago. So, whether you blame it on humans or natural cycles, global warming is happening. However, the colder winters we have had the past few years are possibly imperfections in global warming and may end soon. Also, some places are affected differently at different times. For example, the East had record snowfall this past winter, but other places had record heat this past winter. So yearly weather patterns can sometimes cause colder winters.

Do fires have something to do with global warming?

Fires have something to do with global warming because they emit carbon dioxide and water vapor. The two strongest and most common green house gases. Any fire, regardless of the fuel, is the blame for man's contribution. This fire could be inside of your engine or in a campfire, but the result is the same. You are adding to man's contribution of CO2.

Is the earth running out of trees?

it depends on what type of trees. oaks and maples are very common in theUSA. but there are certain types of trees that are becoming extinct for example the red oak tree is now almost extinct. if your wondering if global warming had anything to do with it the answer is not really. you see people blame only global warming for cutting down trees, but there are a lot of other types of wood company's cutting down and selling trees. and global warming is planting trees too. and just to answer your question, no the earth is not running out of trees.

What industries are contibuting the most to global warming?

Industry is partly to blame. The Industrial Revolution began this global warming when humans began burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). We humans are also to blame because we use oil to power our vehicles, and we use fossil fuel to generate electricity. And we can't get enough electricity!

What impact have humans had on global warming?

Humans produce vast amounts of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere, due to vehicles, factories, burning wood, aerosols etc. Some people blame cattle for some greenhouse gases, but the only reason there is so much cattle is because of over-farming, because of fast food. Without humans, nowhere near as much would be produced, and so global warming wouldn't be anywhere near as much of a problem.A:By using carbon based energy sources to produce our everyday needs we increase the amount of global warming.