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Uranium is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 92.

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The atomic number of U or Uranium is 92.

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Q: What atomic number would isotope of U have?
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What is the top number in an isotope?

An isotope is identified by atomic number (element number or name), by mass number, and by atomic weight. The mass numberfor an isotope is listed as a leading superscript such as 29Si, which in this example is silicon containing 14 protons and 15 neutrons (a rarer but stable isotope of the element). Similarly the atomic weight is indicated by a superscript such as U235 , an isotope of uranium having 92 protons and 143 neutrons.The actual atomic weight is often expressed as a decimal number corresponding to the mass of the atom in "atomic units", where a proton is about 1.0072, a neutron 1.0086, and an electron about .00055 atomic units.

How much neutrons have uranium?

Uranium has many isotopes and each isotope has a different number of neutrons (N). N = atomic weight of the isotope - atomic number of uranium (A=92) The number of neutrons of the isotope 92U238 is 238-92=146 and the number of neutrons of the isotope 92U235 is 235-92=143.

What atomic number would an istope of U have?

Uranium is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 92.

How can you use the nuclide symbol to determine how many neutrons a particular isotope has?

The number of neutrons is the difference between the mass number and atomic number. For example U-235 means mass number equals 235. If we know that thge uranium atomic number is 92, then the number of neutrons for U-235 is 235-92 = 143 neutrons.

What is the atomic number of a helium atom?

The atomic number of Helium is 2 because there are 2 protons and 2 electrons.

Related questions

What is the symbol for the nucleus of each isotope of uranium?

The symbol for all the isotopes of uranium is U. A number is added after U - the atomic mass of a specific isotope; for example U-235, U-240, etc.

What is the top number in an isotope?

An isotope is identified by atomic number (element number or name), by mass number, and by atomic weight. The mass numberfor an isotope is listed as a leading superscript such as 29Si, which in this example is silicon containing 14 protons and 15 neutrons (a rarer but stable isotope of the element). Similarly the atomic weight is indicated by a superscript such as U235 , an isotope of uranium having 92 protons and 143 neutrons.The actual atomic weight is often expressed as a decimal number corresponding to the mass of the atom in "atomic units", where a proton is about 1.0072, a neutron 1.0086, and an electron about .00055 atomic units.

The iodine isotope with 74 neutrons?

An isotope of iodine with 74 neutrons would have a mass number of 53 +74 = 127. Therefore its symbol would be I -127 or 127 C 53. 127 and 53 should be written as superscript and subscript respectively before writing the chemical symbol of iodine when using the later (127 C 53).Ê 53 is the atomic number of iodine.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ

How many protons are in the isotope 235 92 U of Uranium?

235 (mass number) - 92 (number of protons) = 143 (number of neutrons)

What atomic number would an istope of U have?

Uranium is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 92.

How much neutrons have uranium?

Uranium has many isotopes and each isotope has a different number of neutrons (N). N = atomic weight of the isotope - atomic number of uranium (A=92) The number of neutrons of the isotope 92U238 is 238-92=146 and the number of neutrons of the isotope 92U235 is 235-92=143.

How many neutrons are in uranium-235 and uranium-238 respectively?

The element uranium (U) has 92 protons in its nucleus. That's where its atomic number comes from. When we see an isotope of an element written in "standard" form, the element name or symbol will be followed by the atomic mass (atomic weight) of the isotope. This number is basically the number of protons and neutrons (called nucleons when they are in an atomic nucleus) in an atom. In this case, we have U-235 and U-238. In the first case, 235 - 92 = 143, so U-235 has 143 neutrons. In the second case, 238 - 92 = 146, so U-238 has 146 neutrons. See the Related Questions below for how to find the number of neutrons in any atom.

How can you use the nuclide symbol to determine how many neutrons a particular isotope has?

The number of neutrons is the difference between the mass number and atomic number. For example U-235 means mass number equals 235. If we know that thge uranium atomic number is 92, then the number of neutrons for U-235 is 235-92 = 143 neutrons.

What do protons and neutrons have to do with atomic mass?

Proton: 1,007 276 466 77(10) atomic mass units (u) Neutron: 1,008 664 915 6 (6) atomic mass units (u) The atomic weight of a chemical element (or the atomic mass of an isotope) is practically the sum of the masses of contained protons and neutrons.

What element has a mass number of 138 and atomic number of 56?

The atomic number is the number of protons; 56. The mass number is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons, so 56+82=138. The element is barium, by the way, because of the number of protons.

What is gold mass number?

The only stable, and only naturally-occurring isotope of gold has mass number of 197. This is the number of protons and neutrons in each nucleus. Gold's atomic number is 79. This is the number of protons found in each gold atom. This determines its place in the periodic table, and its chemical properties: it is the defining property of gold. A nucleus with a different number of neutrons and the same 79 protons would be a different isotope with a different mass number; a nucleus with a different number of protons would not be gold, but some other element.

What is the isotope symbol for uranium-238?

The symbol of the isotope uranium 235 is 23592U.