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Q: What automatic unconscious activities the brain control?
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How a bacterium is able to control its diverse and complex metabolic activities even though it lacks a brain?

Bacterium is able to control its metabolic activities even though it does not have a brain because it is automatic engrained into the bacterium to survive. They can change their protein and enzymes so they can adapt to the changing environment.

What is a brain operates on two levels conscious and unconscious. called?

The brain operating on two levels, conscious and unconscious, is known as dual-process theory. This theory suggests that the mind processes information through both conscious, deliberate reasoning and unconscious, automatic processing.

Which organs inside a human control your activities?

the brain and your heart control u

What part of the Human body is responsible for controlling breathing and heartbeat?

The Brain, specifically the brain stem and the central nervous system that controls any "unconscious" activities like breathing and pulse rate.

What part of the brain controls the automatic functions of breathing and heart rate?

medulla oblongata

Immediate effects of alcohol?

It dulls the brain's ability to do and control how the body functions - it depresses many of the brain's activities.

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It is everything your brain does with you actively thinking about it

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the brain area that regulated activities that control the state of wakefulness or alertness of the cerebral cortex is the

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