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a crow

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Q: What baby bird has black feathers and beak in the U.S?
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What kind of baby bird has yellow and black feathers totally black beak and fits into your hand and is local to south Africa?

Your asss crack jajajajajaja

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The American Coot

What are the charateristics of a bird?

Feathers, beak, wings, claws.

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Pukeko. is da name of dat bird

What are the key features of a bird?

Mostly the feathers, beak, and wings.

Is falcon and hawk the same bird?

they both have feathers and a beak but no

Do baby birds grow a bigger beak and lose their first beak?

No. A bird's beak is not like people losing their baby teeth and having their adult ones grow in. The bird's beak grows with the bird, and it has the same beak for life.

What bird that can be found in Maine is solid gray with a white belly and neck with black beak and eyes and longish tail feathers?

A pelican

Why is the Emu considered a bird?

Wings, Feathers, Beak, Eggs. Why would it not be?

Bird Identification Baby bird maybe a month old mostly grey feathers bright red hook shaped beak most likely a bird of prey red wings long red tail feathers and red patch of feathers on crown Loc MA?

I also could not find it using google, wiki or anything, it looks nothing like a red tail hawk or any pic of birds of prey i could find on the net. yet it has a bright red hook shaped beak and black talons. it is very majestic looking even for a baby