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Q: What ball bounces the highest a golf ball or a rubber bouncy ball or a ping pong ball?
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What bouncy ball bounces the highest?

the type of bouncy ball that bounces the highest our golf balls but that is only on hard surface other wise it would be your standard bouncy ball out of the machines that are 50 cents(:

What is the highest bouncing ball in the world?

a tennis ball will bounce the highest as in sports or a bouncy ball bounces higher than that

What is the difference of a bouncy ball and a jet ball?

A bouncy ball is a small ball that is made soley of rubber and bounces. There are only 7 Bouncy Ball Breeds Reconized by the BBA (Bouncy Ball Association) Jet Ball is a video game.

What bounces more a golf ball or a bouncy ball?

Bouncy ball

Which one of the balls bounces the longest a tennis ball a soft ball or a bouncy ball?

A bouncy ball.

What ball will bounce the highest?

* Probably a regular rubber bouncy ball or a fully pumped basketball.

Does the size of a bouncy ball affect the height it bounces?

A little, to the extent that a smaller (lighter) ball is fighting the pull of gravity less as it bounces upward, so it may get a little higher. But the height the ball bounces is much more dependent upon the resiliency - the "springiness" - of the rubber or rubber compound the ball is made from.

Which ball bounces higher a bouncy ball or a basketball?

small bouncy balls will bounce higher

What bounces higher a rubberband ball or a bouncy ball?

A golf ball. Seriously it does... Try it

What bounces higher golf ball or soccer ball?

a normail bouncy ball, maybe a basketball

What is a bouncy ball made of?


What happens when light hits objects?

it bounces!! like a bouncy ball!