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Q: What bands have a member named snake?
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What snakes are Black yellow and red?

If the colors are arranged in bands around the snake then there are two possibilities: a coral snake or a milk snake. If red bands touch yellow bands then it is a coral snake. Coral snakes highly venomous and have been known to kill people. If red bands touch black bands then it is a milk snake, which is not venomous. Generally, though, you should not take the time to see which it is. If it has these colors, just stay away from it.

What are black red and yellow?

If the colors are arranged in bands around the snake then there are two possibilities: a coral snake or a milk snake. If red bands touch yellow bands then it is a coral snake. Coral snakes highly venomous and have been known to kill people. If red bands touch black bands then it is a milk snake, which is not venomous. Generally, though, you should not take the time to see which it is. If it has these colors, just stay away from it.

What snake family is this snake member of the prairie ring- necked snake?

Ring-necked snakes are a member of the family Colubridae.

What snakes are related to the coral snake?

The coral snake is a fairly small but brightly colored snake with black, yellow, and red bands. It is easily mistaken for the harmless milk snake. The red bands of a coral snake touch the yellow bands while in the milk snake, the red bands touch the black ones. Use this pneumonic: Red touches yellow: you're a dead fellow. Red touches black: you're okay jack.

Is there a character in Speed Racer named snake something?

One of the villains is named Snake Oiler.

What snake has brightly coloured stripes and begins with c?

A Coral snake. It has bands of red, yellow and black around its body.

How many bands are there named the Sunday's?

there are none

What is a rock bands crew member called?

A roadie

WHAT nonpoisonous eastern scarlet snake has colored bands that closely resemble the poisonous coral snake This selective adaptation provides the eastern scarlet snake with?

penis divided by 2

Who named snakes snakes?

The person who named snake is

What is the name of a noisy poisonous snake?

The aptly named 'Brown Snake' from Australia is a venomous brown snake.

How do you get snake skin on runescape?

Only if you are member and that you are on Karamja Island, then you can attack a snake and get snakeskin.