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Q: What basic forces determine the circulation of the atmosphere?
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Is it true or false that temperature and rainfall determine basic types of vegetation?


How are the plate motions connected with motions within the rest of earth mantle?

convection currents in the mantle provide the basic driving forces for plate motions.

Why is water a liquid at room temperature whereas ammonia is a gas at room temperature?

The answer lies in what is know as intermolecular forces. There three basic types: london dispersion forces (which all molecules have), dipole to dipole forces and hydrogen bonding. The stronger these forces the more the molecules have a tendancy to stick together. I listed the forces from weakest to strongest. Since water has hydrogen bonding its intermolecukar forces are the strongest and over powers the atmospheric forces and energies trying to tear the molecules away from eachother. Ammonias intermolecular forces are not strong enough under normal temperature and pressure so the molecules and individual gas molecules.

What are the guidelines used to determine the relative age of a rocks and events shown by a geologic cross-section?

The guidelines used to determine the relative ages of the rocks and events shown by a geologic cross-section is the Law of Superposition. It is the basic law of geochronology.

What three instruments are used to predict the weather?

The basic instruments used in meteorology measure the current state of the atmosphere, and include anemometers (wind gauges), thermometers, and barometers. These measure air flow, temperature, and air pressure.