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Q: What battle mark the farthest point north to south reaching during the war?
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What battle happened in the farthest point north in the civil war?

began with the attack on fortsumter

4 famous events during the civil war?

1. The Battle of Gettysburg, which marked the farthest advance north of the Confederate Army.2. The Battle of Shiloh, likely the bloodiest battle ever fought in North America.3. The Emancipation Proclamation.4. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

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Atlanta is farthest north.

Which US Civil War battle took place farthest north?

The Battle of Gettysburg was the battle that took place in the most northern battle. This battle took place on July 1st through the 3rd in 1863.

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The farthest north country is Denmark (via Greenland). The farthest east country is Kiribati.

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Most of the Civil War took place in the South. The farthest up they got in the North, and I believe the only battle in the North, was the Battle of Gettysburg in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

What is the farthest point on the Earth's surface?

north pole and south pole are the farthest points on earth

Which state in the US is found farthest north latitude?

Alaska is farthest north.

Which state is farthest to tue north?

The state that is farthest to the north is the state of Maine.

What are the points farthest north and south on earth?

The farthest point north on the Earth is the North Pole. The farthest point south on the Earth is the South Pole.