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Use a cluster of hay for the nest, and some sawdust or wood-shavings. Give your gerbil sand baths with chinchilla dust a few times a week, though. Don't ever use cedar or pine shavings, as the chemicals in them are toxic to gerbils and other animals! Also, don't use cotton such as 'Snug n Cozzzy', many rodents have been known to loose limbs because they get caught up in the cotton, start panicking and hurt themselves, poor things. Also if you're really unsure, ask at a pet shop for information, but be careful, not all of the people you might be talking to are at all experienced.

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rats need cotton or newspaper or cut up news paper

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aspen bedding is good for rats to live in

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Q: What bedding should you use for a gerbil?
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How much bedding do you put in a gerbil's cage?

the fatter the gerbil, the thicker the bedding.

Can you use your old karate breaking boards for gerbil bedding?


What can you use for gerbils other than gerbil shavings?

For their bedding... cat litter or sand.

Should you keep your gerbil in an aquarium?

yes it is the best home because they chew through plastic homes and they push the bedding out of wire cages

You think your gerbil may be sick her nose looks swollen and one of her eyes looks puffy what does this mean?

She might be allergic to the bedding. If you are using aspen bedding, this is probably it. Eco bedding will not make your gerbil have an allergic reaction. Still, I would consult with your vet to make sure.

Could you reuse paper at home for gerbil bedding?

It probably isn't such a good idea to use shredded paper for bedding. Depending on where you get the paper, like recycled or newspaper, the ink may be harmful. Also, regular paper wouldn't be as absorbant as bedding and unless you plan on changing the paper everyday it would be dangerous to the gerbil's health to live in its own waste.

Can a Gerbil have Sheep's wool for bedding please?

Wool fibers and commercially sold "fluff" is generally a bad idea for gerbils, as it may get caught around a leg or the gerbil may be allergic. If you want bedding for your gerbil, throw in a wad of unscented toilet paper. They'll tear this apart and build with it. :]

Why is the gerbils tail wet Also why is one eye closed and pink around the eyelid It isn't eating and exercising much. The other gerbil gets along well with it. It is still warm. What should I do?

It might be allergic to the bedding. These symptoms are common with pine and aspen allergic reactions. Try replacing your bedding with Carefresh or Eco-bedding, which is a bedding made of recycled cloth and other soft, hypoallergenic materials. This should clear up the problem. If not, take you gerbil to the vet, as it may be something more serious.

Why is one gerbil covering the other with bedding?

This is perfectly normal. They are trying to hide the gerbil from you and to keep them warm. Maybe leaving them alone would help.

Should you put your gerbil in a cage?

Yes! You shouldn't keep any small pet outside a cage- they could easily escape or get stepped on.It is best to keep them in an aquarium at least ten gallons for each gerbil and then another 5 for each additional gerbil with at least 3 inches of bedding

How much water should you give your gerbil in a bath?

dont give your gerbil a 'water' bath use chinchilla dust

Can I use bleach on my baby and toddler bedding?

You should check the label on the bedding to see if that is safe.