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Viceroy butterflies are not poisonous, but they look just like poisonous Monarch Butterflies. Which behavior does the viceroy use to deter birds that would otherwise eat it

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Q: What behavior does the viceroy use to deter birds that would otherwise eat it?
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Related questions

Which behavior does the viceroy use to deter birds that would otherwise eat it?

Viceroy butterflies are not poisonous, but they look just like poisonous monarch butterflies.

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The Viceroy Butterfly uses clever mimicry of the Monarch Butterfly to deter predators.

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No, but they are supposed to deter certain pest insects.

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NO!! Try a plastic owl. It will scare them away.

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Cardinals can be deterred by motion activated sprinklers, decoy predatory birds and bird spikes.

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Common birds have little or no sense of taste, so flavor treated (pepper or spice) seed is often used to deter squirrels. As for raccoons, that will depend on how badly they want the food.

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There is a product out there called Bird-Deter that is specifically designed for use on a mailbox. It is a very simple design but it keeps birds off of a mailbox with harming them in any way.

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As horrible as it is, knock their nests down. This does deter them, but they may come back. If it is done often enough they will probably leave.

What is the synonym and antonym of the word deter?

A synonym of deter is divert. An antonym of deter is support.

Is a time out a negative punishment?

Yes, it's negative reinforcement. By not wanting a behavior to happen again the child is being punished, positive reinforcement would be showing the child what they should do and then rewarding them when they do that. That will deter away from unwanted behavior.

Is the word deter an adjective?

No, deter is a verb.

How can the Marigold plant be used as an insect repelant?

Marigold plants are grown in some areas to deter mosquito's Marigold plants are also planted in some farmlands as they secrete chemicals from their roots which deter eel-worm (nematodes) which would otherwise infect healthy plants.