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Q: What behavior is measured by the agreeeablesness personality trait?
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What behaviors is measured by the agreeableness personality trait?


Is independent a personality trait?

"Independent" is not typically considered a personality trait, but rather a characteristic of how someone behaves or interacts with others. It describes someone who can make decisions and take actions without relying heavily on others. It may influence certain aspects of their personality or behavior, but it is not a standalone personality trait.

Is freaky a personality trait?

is bizarre a personality trait

What is the trait theory?

The trait approach to personality is also known as the dispositional theory. It is an approach to the study of human personality wherein it measures traits that are considered to be habitual patterns of behavior and emotion.

Is sickly a personality trait?

Some schools of psychology do consider sickly a personality trait.

What's inherited behavior?

Inherited behavior is basically an inherited personality trait from the parents of the subject. Also, inherited behavior can be the inherited ways of something like white blood cells acting, but this is to be considered the "personality" of the cell or whatever the subject is mainly because it is still the way you act (in a sense).

Is disagreeing a character trait?

No, it's a personality trait

Is heroic a personality trait?

heroism is a deed , not a trait

Is the word joyful a trait?

No, the word "joyful" is not a trait, but rather an adjective that describes a feeling or state of being. Traits are enduring characteristics or qualities of a person's personality or behavior.

Is tomboy a character trait?

Yes, any personality trait is a character trait.

What trait does not define personality?

Wealth does not define personality.

What is biological trait?
