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Plants and animals evolved together, so it is not surprising that there are many complex plant/ animal relationships. This process of interdependent evolution of two or more species is called co-evolution.

Some relationships are beneficial to both parties, while others have a clear benefit for one at the expense, or even death, of the other.

Four important plant/ animal interactions are explored here: plant/ herbivore, plant/ pollinator, plant/ disperser, and other examples of mutualism.

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Plants get to laugh at the animals

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Q: What benefits do Animals get from plants?
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What do animals get from plants to help them survive?

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What benefits come from all scientists using the same classification system?

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Plants feed animals, animals fertilize plants.

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For plant-eating animals the benefit is that they can get to the sugar the plant has stored.

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plants: sunlight for photosynthesis animals: plants, other animals

How does man benefits from wild plants?

Man benefits from wild plants by having fun

In what ways do plants benefits from animals?

You eat plants and you can eat the meat, or drink the milk of animals that eat plants. Plants take up carbon dioxide from the air so that greenhouse effects are mitigated. Plants hold soil against erosion. Plants are worn as clothing, made into rope and are just nice to look at. This all aside from giving you their waste product, oxygen, without which you could not exist.

Are there plants and animals in Vietnam?

yes there are Animals and Plants