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Q: What best describes the direction the earliest humans took out of Africa?
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What continent was the earliest evidence of humans found?


Earliest humans originated here?

The earliest humans are believed to have originated in Africa, as supported by fossil and genetic evidence. This is commonly referred to as the "Out of Africa" theory, which suggests that modern humans first evolved on the African continent before migrating to other parts of the world.

What continent was the first early human discovered on?

The first early humans were discovered in Africa. Hominin fossils and archaeological evidence dating back millions of years have been found across the continent, leading scientists to believe that Africa is the birthplace of modern humans.

How did the earliest humans in east Africa get their food?

They found or gathered food

What are three reasons some scientists think humankind began in East Africa?

Fossil evidence of early hominins, our ancestors, has been found in East Africa. Genetic studies have shown that populations in East Africa exhibit the highest genetic diversity, suggesting a longer history of human habitation. Environmental factors, such as the availability of resources and favorable climate conditions, make East Africa a plausible region for human evolution and dispersal.

Recent archaeological studies suggest the theory that?

the earliest humans evolved in the rift valley in africa

In which direction did humans travel when they first migrated from Africa?

C. East

What is the earliest known archaelogical sites in for modern humans?

The Olduvai Gorge (in Tanzania, Africa) is the site of the earliet humans, if that's what you mean.

Where early humans lived?

The earliest humans evolved in the area in and around Ethiopia in Africa. They spread from there to the Middle East and then into Asia and Europe.

What does ancestral Savannah mean in the poem Africa?

We believe that the earliest humans left the trees and lived on the savannahs of Africa, so all our ancestors lived there.

Why is Africa considered the cradle of human life?

Africa is considered the cradle of human life because it is where the earliest anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) originated and evolved over millions of years. Fossil evidence, genetic studies, and archaeological findings support the theory that humans first emerged in Africa before spreading to other regions of the world.

When did the earliest humans exist?

anatomically modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago, reaching full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago.