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It turns into carbon dioxide due to the breakdown of glucose(carbohydrates).

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Q: What best describes where oxygen goes after being taken into an animal's body?
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Yes, unless it's always taken in and being excreted

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Animals, like humans, exhale carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is taken in by plants, and through the process of photosynthesis produce oxygen.

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How does photosynthesis connect sunlight to the energy needs of plants and animals?

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Which gas do animals remove from the air?

The gas that is taken in by animals is oxygen. Animals absorb oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and let out oxygen.

What gas that is taken in by the animals day and night?

Air. Or, technically speaking, Oxygen. Animals, including humans, take in other gasses as well. Such as, helium, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, and traces amounts of other gasses. But it is oxygen that our bodies use as "fuel."

Why is carbon dioxide given out more than taken in?

It is the product of respiration. Animals including Humans breath in oxygen and exhale Carbon Dioxide

What is Oxygen taken in by what?

its taken in bye by blood