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time available and where its location will be

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Q: What best determines if a hasty or deliberate fighting position will be constructed?
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What determines water's vertical position in the ocean?

gravity determines waters position

Protective ditches dug by soldiers?

A defensive fighting position (DFP) is a type of earthwork constructed in a military context, generally large enough to accommodate at least one person.a Trench would be more of Ditch but all trenches start from a individual fighting position and work their way up in stages, which are then connected with other positions to build a trench.

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By doing the leopolds manuever or using the ultrasound you will know the position of the baby.

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During the nominating stage, political parties select their candidates to run for office, while during the election stage, voters choose among these candidates to determine the winner. The nominating stage involves internal party processes, such as primaries or caucuses, while the election stage involves the general electorate casting their votes.

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information. the position of the punch determines the value

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The position of the ball determines the spot.

What properties most determines water's position in the ocean?

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The term used for groups of people whose birth determines their position in society is called a caste system.

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The answer depends on what "this" system is!