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Primitive plants such as giant ferns and horsetails died and sank to the bottom of the swamps where they grew about 300 million years ago. In the anaerobic conditions there they did not completely rot away, but were gradually buried deeper and deeper. The effects of heat and temperature gradually transformed them into coal.

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Q: What best explains how coal deposits formed?
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Which best explains how coal deposits formed?

Coal deposits form over a long period of time through biological and geological process. Dead plant matter is converted into peat, which is converted into lignite. Lignite is converted into sub-bituminous coal, after that bituminous coal, and lastly anthracite.

The great coal deposits of the northern hemisphere formed during the?


Why are you likely to find natural gas and oil deposits together but less likely to find coal deposits at the same location?

This is because natural gas and oil deposits were formed together

What explains how coal deposits formed?

A coal deposit is a lenticular layer of carbon and carbon compounds formed from the remains of plants and basically ancient Geography explains how coal deposits are formed. To get a coal deposit you need the plants to be growing in swampy conditions so that as plants grow and then die, they fall into the the swamp waters to be replaced by new plants so that in time, a thick layer of dead plants builds up at the bottom the swamp (you need about 3 feet depth of plant matter to eventually form 1 foot of coal). You then need to rapidly bury the dead plants with sediments (sand and mud) before it rots away. Thus we need a swampy place for plants to grow which, every so often, is subject to deposits of sediment. Today we call these places River Deltas. Once the swamp gets buried by more and more sediments, the water gets squeezed out of the plants and over time, as the swamp get buried ever deeper, the heat from inside the earth changes the plants into coal.

What are coal deposits called?

coal seam

Related questions

Which best explains how coal deposits formed?

Coal deposits form over a long period of time through biological and geological process. Dead plant matter is converted into peat, which is converted into lignite. Lignite is converted into sub-bituminous coal, after that bituminous coal, and lastly anthracite.

What is torbinite?

A coal formed from Botryococcus Braunii deposits

How were coal deposits formed in western Canada during mesozoic era?

Layers of sediments compressed the layers of vegetation to form the coal deposits.

The great coal deposits of the northern hemisphere formed during the?


How are coal deposits formed?

Millions of years of pressure and heat turned decaying animals and plants into coal.

What best describes coal?

Begin with It's creation: Coal is the fossilized and ultra-compressed Remains of Ancient Life Forms that - layer and Strata by layer and Strata - formed Our Coal and Oil Deposits. Coal is also, due to Our Unending Expulsion of It's toxic Product, Our Worst Enemy.

Why are you likely to find natural gas and oil deposits together but less likely to find coal deposits at the same location?

This is because natural gas and oil deposits were formed together

What explains how coal deposits formed?

A coal deposit is a lenticular layer of carbon and carbon compounds formed from the remains of plants and basically ancient Geography explains how coal deposits are formed. To get a coal deposit you need the plants to be growing in swampy conditions so that as plants grow and then die, they fall into the the swamp waters to be replaced by new plants so that in time, a thick layer of dead plants builds up at the bottom the swamp (you need about 3 feet depth of plant matter to eventually form 1 foot of coal). You then need to rapidly bury the dead plants with sediments (sand and mud) before it rots away. Thus we need a swampy place for plants to grow which, every so often, is subject to deposits of sediment. Today we call these places River Deltas. Once the swamp gets buried by more and more sediments, the water gets squeezed out of the plants and over time, as the swamp get buried ever deeper, the heat from inside the earth changes the plants into coal.

What are coal deposits called?

coal seam

Why are the coal deposits important for collie?

Coal deposits mean nothing at all to collie dogs.

What country in Africa has the largest coal deposits?

South Africa has the largest coal deposits in Africa.

What does coal mean?

Most coal deposits in the eastern nited