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A simple reflex travels in this order:

  1. Stimulus
A stimulus (stimuli, plural) is an outside happening that affects the body (i.e., sound, sight, taste, pain).

2. Sensory Reception

This is when the body senses the stimulus through receptors located all over the body. Some receptors are clustered to form our major sensory organs (i.e., taste buds on tongue).

3. Central Nervous System

Sensory neurons transmit the signal to the CNS (brain and spinal cord) through peripheral nerves that connect from the body's extremities to the CNS.

If this simple reflex is part of a simple reflex arc (a stimulus that produces some reflexive response), the brain then sends instructions through a motor neuron to an effector (usually a muscle or gland). This prompts either muscle movement or chemical action.

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Q: What best indicated the pathway that nerve impulses travel in a simple reflex?
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