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It is NOT the "civil war". Slavery was a very minor issue at the start of the war.

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Q: What big war caused because of slavery?
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What caused the civl war in the US?

The South wanted to leave the union because of slavery.

How did slavery change history?

it caused the civil war it caused the civil war

What is an example of a thesis that a historian might write?

The American Civil War was caused not by slavery but by economic factors.

Was the Civil War over slavery?

slavery, succesion, states' rights... 3 "s"s that caused the civil war

Who did the civil war hurt an who did it help?

I only know that it helped the slavery. The Civil War was caused because of the slavery. The union wanted to end it. So, they began the Civil War that lasted for a little over four years. Hope I helped :)

What issues or events lead to the start of the civil war?

Slavery caused the civil war

Why did the US Civil War start?

Because of sectionalism which was caused by secession, states' rights, protective tariffs, Lincoln's election, and slavery.

How important was slavery in the civil war?

The civil war happened because of slavery.

What happened in Kansas that caused the civil war?

The attempt to put the slavery question to the vote. It caused intimidation and bloodshed, foreshadowing the war.

Who stopped slavery?

Abraham Lincoln. That's what caused the Civil War.

Did the South deserved to tlsoe the Civil War because of it dependence on slavery?

Its dependence on slavery had caused the arrogance that brought them down. Lordly planters did not want their sons dirtying their hands in manufacturing industry - so when the war started, they couldn't manufacture war supplies.

How did the Northern and Southern attitudes slavery differ?

the northern and southern states differed in their attitudes toward slavery because the northern states were against slavery while the southern states were all for slavery, in fact they had slaves. The northern and southern states disagreed about it so much that it caused a war, known as the civil war.