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Skuas eat baby Emperor penguins.

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Q: What bird eats baby Emperor Penguins?
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Do crabeater seal eat emperor penguins?

no only the leopard seal eats a penguin

Are emperor penguins predators or prey?

The emperor penguin is both, it has prey because it eats stuff so therefor it is a preditor. But its prey to seals aswell. so it is both...

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The baby bird eats it. It's important fo baby birds to get nutrients, and the yolk contains the things a baby bird needs to grow proplerly.

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The mother bird eats a worm and regurgitates the processed worm for the chicks to eat.

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The leopard seal eats penguins.

How does emperor penguins get its food?

It dives into the ocean, chases and catches fish, then eats them. They also eat some other ocean dwellers when they can find them.

Does a emperor penguin eat squid?

an emperor penguin eats what all penguins eat.... fish! i learned that in school this year.

What kind of bird eats a bunny?

Herons are well known for eating baby rabbits.

What is a type of penguin that eats fish?

all penguins eat fish, this is their main diet. There are many different species of penguins, like the emperor, chinstrap and the adelies, also the king penguin, all very beautiful.

What is eats a penguin?

If you mean What eats a penguin then that includes seals that live in that region (there are penguins that don't live in the arctic you know), well... seals are the only known preditor for the penguins. If you mean What does a penguin eat then fish that live in the region. Baby penguins eat the regurgitated food from their mother (eww).

What eats krill?

Whales, manta rays, whale sharks, seals, a few bird species, penguins, squid and fish are the krill's petral bird eat krill

What bird eats a Penguin?

Penguins don't tend to get attacked by birds, but their penguin chicks do. They get attacked by Falcons and more. For a more detailed explanation watch MARCH OF THE PENGUINS and FROZEN PLANET on BBC. Penguin predator's are Leopard seals, the biggest seal breed there is. Hope that helps xx