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Brown bird with very red beak in MA is a female Cardinal

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Q: What bird in Massachusetts with red head and gray body that pecks the ground and burrows it's head into the ground?
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The kiwi is entirely a ground-dwelling bird, which hides in burrows and dens which it digs.

What bird pecks a hole in a tree for it's nest?

A Woodpecker does

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How do you use woodpecker in a sentence?

The Woodpecker is a bird that pecks or picks wood from trees.

What is the state bird for Massachusetts?

The black-capped chickadee is the state bird of Massachusetts.

What does it mean when red bird pecks on window every day?

There are a lot of redbirds where you are.

Why did Massachusetts pick the Chickadee?

It is not known why Massachusetts chose the Chickadee as it's state bird. The Chickadee became the state bird of Massachusetts in 1941.

Can a bird break into a cactus and drink its water?

Yes a bird can. The wood pecker pecks the cactus to get in,then it builds a nest in the cactus.So when they have kids they use the water for their kids and them.

What is the bird for Massachusett's?

The state bird of Massachusetts is the chickadee.

What are woodpeckers?

A small bird that pecks wood for nesting, signaling, or protecting each other, also to search for grubs.