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No.... that's why it is called O blood type..... learn some Biology.

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Q: What blood type contains neither substance A nor substance B?
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What blood type contains neither substance a or B?


What is the difference between blood group a and blood group b?

Blood type AA+= blood contains substance A and the rhesus (Rh) factorA-= blood contains substance A but does not contain the rhesus (Rh) factorBlood type BB+= blood contains substance B and the rhesus (Rh) factorB-= blood contains substance B but does not contain the rhesus (Rh) factor

What is the only substance that contains only one type of atom?

A substance that contains only one type of atom is called an "element".

What blood type contains both A and substance B?

The only term I know of is AB (AB+ or AB-)

What type contains neither antigen a and b?


What is the word for any type of matter?

Substance is a word that can be used for any type of matter. The substance in the jar was neither liquid or solid.

Blood type that contains A agglutinogens?

Type A, is this from the Blood Basics Quiz? I hate that thing.

Blood group b inject to o?

No - blood type B cannot donate to blood type O. This is because blood type B contains B antigens, and blood type O contains Anti-B antibodies. However, blood type O can donate to blood type B.

Aaron has blood type O. Can either of his parent have blood type AB?

no, blood type AB has gennotype IA,IB while blood type o has the genotype II. Each of his parents passed on an allele,So neither could have blood type AB

A child is born with type ab blood. which of these statements is true?

A+ Neither parent can have type O blood

What is the blood type When neither anti-A sera nor anti-B sera clot on a blood plate with donor blood?

blood type O

What is the blood type that contains antigens a and b?

Type AB blood contains both A and B antigens. This allows the person to receive blood from types A, B, O, and AB.