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no, blood type AB has gennotype IA,IB while blood type o has the genotype II.

Each of his parents passed on an allele,So neither could have blood type AB

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If you have a blood type of O, neither of your biological parents can have an AB blood type. A human with type O can have parents with type O, A, or B.

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Q: Aaron has blood type O. Can either of his parent have blood type AB?
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Can a type 0 baby have a ab father?

No. Neither parent can be AB blood type. Each parent must have at least one resessive gene for O blood type. Either parent could be type A or B or O.

If one parent has AB-blood type and the other has O-blood type what blood group will their child have?

Either A or B; AB and O are impossible.

Can an o positive blood type father parent A negative blood type child?

Yes.In the case that his wife has an A blood group,either A+ or A-. Yes.In the case that his wife has an A blood group,either A+ or A-. Yes. In the case that the mother has an blood group of A, (either A+ or A-).

How is it possible for a married couple both with A type blood to have children with a blood type of O?

We get our blood group from either parent or even grandparents so it is possible.

If a mother is A positive blood type and father is O positive blood type can they produce a baby with A negative blood group?

No. The child can only inherit what his parents have. If either parent had an A in his type, he could give it to the child, but the father is B and the mother has neither A nor B. (If either parent had an A, it would show up in his or her type.)

Could your blood type be o or b if your fathers is blood type o dominant and your mothers is blood type b dominant?

Yes - blood type O or B are the only possibilities. Each parent donates one allele to the child. The parent with blood type O must donate an O. The parent with blood type be will donate either a B or an O - they can only donate an O if they are heterozygous, BO.

If a mother is o negative blood type and father is B positive blood type can they produce a baby with A positive blood group?

No. The child can only inherit what his parents have. If either parent had an A in his type, he could give it to the child, but the father is B and the mother has neither A nor B. (If either parent had an A, it would show up in his or her type.)

Can One parent with an o blood type and the other parent with an A blood type produce a b blood type?


Who determines your blood type?

Your parents determine your blood type. Your blood type is a cross of two alleles from the parent, one from each parent. Your parents could either give you AA, AO, AB, BB, BO or OO alleles, depending on which two alleles that they have.

A parent with type O blood marries a type AB what would be their phenotypes?

Their children's phenotype could be either A or B.

Can type b and type O blood make type AB blood?

No. Blood type O is recessive; you need an O gene from each parent. B can either be BB or BO but AB is either AB or BA, and cannot pass on an O gene.

Can negative blood type parent and positive blood type parent have an Rh negative blood type child?

yes, absolutely