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If two people with Type B blood have a child, the child will either be Type B or Type O.

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Q: What blood type do you get if you combine B and B together?
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A woman with blood type O and a man with blood type AB have a child together?

The child will have either A or B blood type

Can B blood impregnates O?

Yes - all blood groups can have children together. If the two parents are type B and type O, then the child will either be blood type O or B. This depends on whether the parent with B-type blood is heterozygous (BO) or homozygous (BB).

Does Type B blood have A antigens?

No, type B blood does not have A antigens. Type B blood has B antigens.

What traits does the blood type A have different then blood type B?

blood type A has type A antigens. blood type B has type B antigens.

What can I eat in a B Blood type diet?

IT is true that each blood type presents a unique way for individuals to eat. For instance, the B Blood type was originated in the mountainous areas where high protein diet was common. Therefore, those with B Blood types should consume dairy, meat and poultry foods and combine that with an reasonable amount of exercise daily.

Blood group b inject to o?

No - blood type B cannot donate to blood type O. This is because blood type B contains B antigens, and blood type O contains Anti-B antibodies. However, blood type O can donate to blood type B.

Will blood cells from a person with type B blood will agglutinate with type A antiserum?

blood type B

What type of donor blood that will not induce a transfusion reaction from type b?

If the recipient has type B blood, they can receive either type B or type O blood. If the donor blood is type B, then the recipient can be either type B or type AB

What happens if donor blood is not matched to the receiver?

what happens when blood type AB is mixed with blood type A or B?

If your dad is type A blood and your mum is type B or type AB blood what is your blood type?

A,ab or b

Why can't you give type B blood to type A?

The short answer is that the Type B patient has antigens for that specific blood type, so when type A is mixed with the type B, the antibodies in the B blood kill the A blood cells, making it useless.

Can a child has blood type B if a mother has blood type B and father has blood type O?

Yes, the child's blood type can be B if the father has o.