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The offspring could have either B or O blood type. They could also inherit the blood type from either sets of grandparents. If one or more grandparents have the blood type A, this could result in AB or A, for example.

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the babys blood type will be either b or o

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Q: What blood type will a baby have if the parents are b and o?
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What will a baby with parents who are ab and b blood type be?

If the parent's blood type is AB and B, the possible blood type of the baby is A, B, or AB.

If a mother with blood type B and father with blood type A and the baby will born with blood type?

Assuming your parents are I(a)I(a) and I(b)I(b) Baby will be I(a)I(b) AB blood If any of the parents are I(a)i or I(b)i Chances are they can be A, B or O Has to do with dominant and recessive genes.

Can two people with - blood type have a blood type baby?

For parents with o+o, they will have kids with O type blood. For parents with A+A, they will have kids with A or O type blood. For parents with B+B, they will have kids with B or O type blood. Foe parents with AB+AB, they will have kids with AB, A or B type blood.

Can blood type o of both parents have a type b blood baby?


Can a baby be born with blood type B if both parents are blood type O?

No, B is dominant therefore a parent would have to have B type blood.

How can a baby have b negative blood when both parents are b positive?

If both parents have Type B blood the only blood type the child can have is either B or O not looking at whether one of the parents is negative or not.

Can parents with both blood type b have type o baby?


What will be the condition of the baby if parents have a blood type AB and O?

The child will either have type A or type B blood.

How many percent of human blood type b does produce a baby with a type b blood also?

The baby's blood group depends on the genotypes of both parents, not just one.

If the baby has OO blood type can her mother have A or B blood type?

Yes. The parents' could have AO Blood and BO Blood.

Can parents with O blood have b positive baby?

No, if both parents have O type blood they cannot have a child with B type blood. At least one parent would need to have type B or AB blood in order for the child to inherit a B allele.

Can a baby have o blood type if parents are b blood type?

A blood type is coded in two parts, one from each parent. To be type B a person can either be BB or BO, while a person with type O must be OO. So for the baby to be type, it must have received an O from both parents. If the parents both have to be type b, then they must both be BO.