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Short Answer: Type A blood can receive a transfusion from Types A or O.


The blood cell has a protein identifier (antigen) on its outer cell membrane.

If the person is Type A, B or O, they also have an antibody in their plasma (blood fluid) that protects the person against either Type A or B transfusions.

  1. Type A plasma carries the antibody "I hate B" that would agglutinate a Type B or AB transfusion.
  2. Type A has no antibodies to Type O cells & therefore O would be a candidate.
  3. Type A has no antibodies against itself and therefore A would be a candidate.
Please keep in mind that there are 32 different blood-group systems on the human blood cell, and ABO is only one of them. Even if two people have been told that they have the same blood type (ABO and Rh factor), their blood may not be compatible for transfusion.
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12y ago

A person with type A blood can receive blood from a person with type A or type O.

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9y ago

Someone with blood type A can receive type A or type O. They can't receive type AB or type B, since they don't have a "B".

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14y ago

You can receive type A or type O.

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Type O can receive type O. Type A can receive type O or A. Type B can receive type O or B. Type AB can receive type O, A, B, or AB.

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The blood type AB is a universal receiver meaning it can receive blood from blood types A, B, AB, and O.

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AB blood types can receive blood from any donors, also known as "Universal Recipients". Your blood, however, can only be received by other AB types. To contrast, type O blood types can give blood to anyone, but can only receive type O blood.

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Not taking Rh Factor into consideration, O is the universal donor. All blood types can receive type O. For information, AB is the universal recipient. They can take any blood type. Remember, this excludes the Rh Factor.

What blood type can A receive from?

Depending on whether you are A+ or A- you can receive different types of blood. If you have A+ blood you can often receive blood from A+, A-, O+, and O-. However, if you are A- you can only usually receive blood from A- and O-.

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O blood type can only receive blood type only from O, and blood type O can give blood to all other blood types, but obly receive blood from it self General Rule : O is general donnor but limited receiver.

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Blood type is determined by the type of antigen

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Platelets do not have blood types, so anyone can receive them from anyone else.

I donated blood, what is a blood type?

Blood type during donations is asked because it is critical that blood types are matched. There are 4 human blood types: A, AB, B, and O. AB and B people can only accept their own blood type and O. A can receive all three other blood types. O can only receive it's own. If you get the wrong blood type you can die.