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Q: What blood vessel is present in the fetus but not in a child?
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Does a woman share blood with her unborn child Why or why not?

No the placenta produced and cleanses the blood fetus

IF mother has a RH negative blood and father has a A positive blood what blood type will fetus have?

fetus will be positive. The first child is okay but the second child may cause some problems so you need to get RhoGAM shot

What blood vessel in fetus contain the most oxygen?

In the umbilical cord you have one vein and two arteries. This vein goes to the liver of foetus. This blood vessel contains most oxygen and food in case of foetus. After birth this vessel gets obliterated to form the falciform ligament.

Which vessel removes urine from the bladder in the fetus?

The umbilical vessel removes urine from the bladder of the fetus via the kidneys. The umbilical vessel has many uses in the fetal/placental environment.

The blood vessel that returns oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus is the?

The aortaDuring pregnancy, what happens to the oxygenated blood returned from the placenta via the umbilical vein? A.It flows into the inferior vena cava.

What are arteriovenous malformations?

Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are blood vessel defects that occur before birth when the fetus is growing in the uterus (prenatal development). The blood vessels appear as a tangled mass of arteries and veins.

Vessel with the highest oxygen concentration fetus or Adult?

Pulmonary vein

How might a pregnant woman's use of nicotine affect her child?

Nicotine constricts blood vessels and thus reduces blood flow with oxygen and nutrients to placenta and fetus.

Toxins can enter the fetus by?

blood flow from the mother to the fetus

What is the condition called with the problems to the fetus due to the mother smoking during pregnancy?

If you smoke during pregnancy will result to intrauterine retarded growth because nicotine can constrict blood vessel.

How is the circulation of a different from the circulation of a baby?

in a fetus blood does not reach the lungs for purification. In a baby blood goes to the lungs for oxygenation.

What are the fetal arteries?

right and left umbilical arteries carry oxygenated blood. left umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood to the fetus. both these vessels are present in the umbilical cord.