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Q: What board game has a card called a humdinger?
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What is the board game called were the players must obey the card?

Obey the card

Do you know of a game that begins with the letter e?

Everquest"Euchre", a card game, or a more arcane game called "Eleusis".

What is the most fun board game?

a really fun board game is aggravation. its a marble game. so is apples to apples. it is a card game. so is whonuhu. that's a card game to. i hope that helps!

What game starts with Q?

Qwirkle is a board game. Quidder is a card game.

What is the demon bored game called?

There is a board game called "Demons." There is also a board game called "Journey: Wrath of Demons."

What makes a game a board game?

yeah.... i guess its just that board game is a game played on a board, so thats why its called that

What is the mech assault board game called?

Mech Assault... the Board Game

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How do you play og the card game?

There is not a card game called og. There is one called OG Planet Game Card that is available to play.

What is a Nintendo game card?

A game cartridge for the DS is called a game card.

Can rummy end with rummy on the board?

No. The game is called rummy. any person who discards with rummy on the board the person who calls it gets the points. the person who is after the player who discarded the rummy then goes. it is just like floating the game is not over. when it comes back to the person who has no cards if he/she draws and can play the card they are still floating. if he/she cannot play the card that is drawn they then discard (it not being a rummy card) the game is then over.

What is the board game that egyptians played called?

Senet is the name of the board game that the Egyptians played.